25 thoughts on “Tracey Ullman as Dina Lohan

  1. colibri1

    Dina Lohan reminds me of a lot of the “popular” girls at my old Dallas high school. Most of them ended up looking like (or trying to look like) that when they became adults.

  2. maxrm114

    Damn, who knew the composer for the Christina Ricci version of That Darn Cat had a flair for awesome dance music. I’ll have to mooch off a friend who has Showtime to get this show.

  3. fflybz

    I believe it’s original music just written for the show by Richard Gibbs. I like it too. At the end of one of the episodes, they play nearly a full instrumental of it.

  4. 98245az

    Dina disgusts me, she has done nothing but use her kids. She does drugs and drinks with lindsay! Shes pushing ali in to the industry. She does nothing to stop her daughters misbehavior!

  5. IrishEyes1989

    “I should never have restarted her fucking heart!”

    LMAO I love Tracey Ullman!! 😛

    Americans don’t know how lucky they are to have a British comedienne like her living on their side of the pond.

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