TMM Collection

All of the Mew’s transformations, to the song Rumors by Lindsay Lohan. … lettuce ichigo purin zakuro minto transformation tokyo mew tokyomewmew tmm

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20 Responses

  1. drl16 says:

    you know what i just noticed? when zakuro is calling out and lettuce too it’s a bit of a lip sync. but the way you had it placed it looked as though zakuro was singing:

    they let me live

  2. witchrox says:


  3. mewmewichgo says:

    What happened 2 the 1 without Lettuce? (sorry if I spelled that wrong)

  4. tokyowanderer says:

    Character. Its just lie how americans will name their Child Ringo (Apple in japanese. A member of the beatles is called Ringo.), the Japanese call their children american names.

  5. Sumomogirl01 says:

    This was cute =3

  6. greenday94 says:

    a lot better! ^_^

  7. InuyashaKagome23 says:

    thanxs i love tmm

  8. mewmewichgo says:

    I like this vid as well.

  9. Misha02 says:

    omg….they all have food as there name..ICHIGO-STRAWBERRY
    so yeah..they all have very odd names…this is a very neato thing!!!i love there Japanese version WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY better than there english
    i was 0000 disapointed in the neglish version…ah wel…i shoiuld start watching the japanese version tho..

  10. rapisoystrday says:

    where do find episode clips??

  11. rapisoystrday says:

    how do u make a video??

  12. bluexxfire says:

    tokyo mew mew and mew mew power is the same…

  13. bluexxfire says:

    o.O lettuce? i’ve never watched the anime before so is lettuce a joke or a char…

  14. RougeSeraph says:

    Two cents means something like input, not props or whatever. And it’s Zakuro.

  15. SakuraKoneko says:

    No. That’s just the shading they used for her nose, I think they screwed up on it a little…

  16. SakuraKoneko says:

    Zakuro -_- not Renee. This is Tokyo Mew Mew not Mew Mew Power

  17. fcgirl13 says:

    The only part of this I liked was Renee’s. If I were you, I’d take this song and make a whole amv on Renee. My two cents though.

  18. blah1234567 says:

    nice video! and no…..0_0 shes not wearing a nose ring…

  19. puppygirl7 says:


  20. brynnherndon says:

    YAY!Lettuce is back!

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