Tinseltown Nanny

some time I took care of her girls back then in Britney’s prime. But then my contract ran out, she thought she’d do it herself And now the teen is knocked up and britney signed up for self help. I got my work on my mind and I aint too hard to find You got the dough, I got the time. And this aint no nursery rhyme. They call me Tinsel Town Nanny Double T to the N Otherwise known as Nanny P … venetianprincess celebrity spoof parody mary poppins suri cruise tom katie holmes lindsay lohan …

25 thoughts on “Tinseltown Nanny

  1. puppieluv55

    dnt read this (cuz it actually works.)
    1.stick ur middle finger in your nose
    2. say the name of ur crush
    3. the next day he would tell you he loves you or he would kiss you
    sen this to 3 other videos or you will die in 2 days

  2. DoWhatYouWantAndLive

    dnt read this (cuz it actually works.)
    1.stick ur middle finger in your nose
    2. say the name of ur crush
    3. the next day he would tell you he loves you or he would kiss you
    sen this to 3 other videos or you will die in 2 days

  3. maybeyesno11

    if you read this you die tonight
    There was guy named james who was told if you say
    bloody mary three times in the dark in a bathroom you die.
    So he tried it he was found dead a hour later in the bathroom. Post on 5 other videos or die

  4. Oingo205

    FIRST put both hands on your chest

    SECOND think of something you want

    THIRD tomorrow you will get a surprise with the thing your wished for.

    FOURTH heres the catch write this to five videos

  5. dorkeychic13

    It was the best day of my life…
    If you dont trust me you will miss out on this offer…

    FIRST put both hands on your chest

    SECOND think of something you want

    THIRD tomorrow you will get a surprise with the thing your wished for.

    FOURTH heres the catch write this to five videos

  6. dramaqueen1516

    m sorry but once you start reading this you cant stop 3 hot guys or boys will be crazy about yew and fight over yew but if you dont comment 2 at least 3 vids an old man named charlie with no head will kill all your family and leave yew to be depresed and mizzarable then when your done press f2 and the three hot boys names will pop up

  7. Zofia95

    FIRST put both hands on your chest

    SECOND think of something you want

    THIRD tomorrow you will get a surprise with the thing your wished for.

    FOURTH heres the catch write this to five videos

  8. supergymnast1197

    if you read this you will die tonight there was a guy named james that said if you say bloody mary in the dark in the bathroom 3 times you die so he tried it and he was found dead in the bathroom an hour later post this on 5 other videos or die good luck don,t die

  9. serioehdk

    El 13 de febrero del 2009 una niña llamada marilu se suicido en una montaña cortandose las venas a causa de problemas con sus papas y la encontraron 3 dias despues muerta y desfigurada y nadie supo por que.
    POR FAVOR si ya leiste esto copialo y pegalo en 5 videos mas po que si no ella vendra por tu familia y los matara pero si lo haces te vendran 3 años de buena suerte. yo ya lo hice. ES VERDAD

  10. gnomieful

    The part at the beginning about Xenu, I thought was stupid. It sounded like you just thought of it in 5 seconds. Great singing, though.

  11. samlaituri

    THIS REALLY WORKS!! I did this yesterday and i wished for an iPod and I GOT IT!!!
    It was the best day of my life…
    If you dont trust me you will miss out on this offer…

    FIRST put both hands on your chest

    SECOND think of something you want

    THIRD tomorrow you will get a surprise with the thing your wished for.

    FOURTH heres the catch write this to five videos

  12. jonasrocks12

    dnt read this(cuz it really wrks). u will gt kissd on the nearest frieday by the love of ur life. 2mara wll b the bst day of ur life hwever if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days nw uv startd readn this dnt stp

  13. maryalice526

    FIRST put both hands on your chest

    SECOND think of something you want

    THIRD tomorrow you will get a surprise with the thing your wished for.

    FOURTH heres the catch write this to five videos

  14. mbcrox54

    dnt read this(cuz it really wrks). u will gt kissd on the nearest frieday by the love of ur life. 2mara wll b the bst day of ur life hwever if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days nw uv startd readn this dnt stp

  15. laxmooser

    once you start readin this there is no turnin bac….
    Mary was a 5 year old girl whos parents abused her.one day her parents locked her in the bathroom and she died from starvation. if you don’t post on three more videos you will continually see her in the mirror in the bathroom for the next wee

  16. HannahBananaHale

    FIRST put both hands on your chest

    SECOND think of something you want

    THIRD tomorrow you will get a surprise with the thing your wished for.

    FOURTH heres the catch write this to five videos

  17. sarahlovesNickJ

    sory but this just freaks me out! dnt read? this(cuz it really wrks). u will gt kissd on the nearest frieday by the love of ur life. 2mara wll b the bst day of ur life however if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days nw uv startd readn this dnt stp this is so scary snd ths ovr 2 5 vids in 143 mins

  18. lizzle2121

    THIS REALLY WORKS!! I did this yesterday and i wished for an iPod and I GOT IT!!!
    It was the best day of my life…
    If you dont trust me you will miss out on this offer…

    FIRST put both hands on your chest

    SECOND think of something you want

    THIRD tomorrow you will get a surprise with the thing your wished for.

    FOURTH heres the catch write this to five videos

  19. RedDragon798

    THIS REALLY WORKS!! I did this yesterday and i wished for an iPod and I GOT IT!!!
    It was the best day of my life…
    If you dont trust me you will miss out on this offer…

    FIRST put both hands on your chest

    SECOND think of something you want

    THIRD tomorrow you will get a surprise with the thing your wished for.

    FOURTH heres the catch write this to five videos

  20. ReerProductions

    FIRST put both hands on your chest

    SECOND think of something you want

    THIRD tomorrow you will get a surprise with the thing your wished for.

    FOURTH heres the catch write this to five videos

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