Buy the new album LOVE LUST FAITH + DREAMS on iTunes: Directed by Jared Leto “City of Angels” a short film by THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS,…

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25 Responses

  1. Lena x says:

    This video inspires me so much.All these unique people describe L.A. The
    city where they thought they could live their dreams and maybe they have
    lived.Each of them has a story.Magical video.Well done!:)?

  2. Eduardo baptista says:


  3. Destiny Carter says:

    <3 ?

  4. Karla Martinez says:

    i love this video,, song and i love 30 seconds to mars!!!!?

  5. Pegacorn1210 says:

    awwww selena….. luv u girl plz come to hong kong!!?

  6. Super1Directioner4ev says:

    I saw this on tv I knew that I should go search this on youtube and omg
    this is so true.?

  7. isobel Finn says:

    post concert depression?

  8. Jack Dodge says:

    I still don’t like LA but i enjoyed the video and the concept :)?

  9. vasilina eirinidou says:

    996 people don’t believe in dreams?

  10. C Targaryen says:

    I find L.A. Fascinating but i wouldn’t want to live there.?

  11. amebaradiactiva says:

    Olivia <3?

  12. Ty Par says:

    Wow, I must have missed something, cuz who the heck has time for this
    nonsense. California runs the biggest deficits, dumbest politicians, worst
    union deals, produces some of the most talented , but swonderes it’s
    production and youth. Yet, has so much resources and trade that it hurts to
    mention. Cally proves that. Liberalism is a mental disorder ?

  13. mikalai mikheyeu says:

    Silver man can speak :)?

  14. PinyTenis7 says:

    (‘: This is so inspirational. ?

  15. Veronica Grey says:

    Jared Leto. We worked on our first job together on my so-called life. If
    you want to make it out west, COME TO HAWAI’I. heheeheheh Aloha?

  16. Jayden Skylar says:

    This video is very inspiring:)I watch it over an over again…too everyone
    out their follow your dreams it’s alot eaiser to fight for what you want
    everyone on this video worked hard to get to where they are…if my parents
    weren’t stubborn and i didn’t have lung cancer I’d be working my way up to
    get to the City of Angels and live my dream:(?

  17. Dan Pham says:

    Raw and sounds just like LA…..Dreams of Heaven and Hell as the same

  18. Manuel Martinez Romero says:

    It’s sooooo amazing ! One of the best bands I’ve ever seen in my life!?

  19. Katrina Padilla says:

    This is perfect?

  20. Manuel Peredo says:

    justin bieber fans disliked this video?

  21. Snoopy Doopy says:

    M.A.R.S. = Most Awesome Rock Stars?

  22. KremIsis says:

    so often people seem to look at things through their prejudices instead of
    being open-minded. This is the kind of band that people worship or hate.
    And what they are trying to communicate get lost. Personally, Marilyn a MJ
    interpreters are the most interesting part to me. She touches her face like
    Marilyn did…same gesture….like she really lost herself and not in a
    good way. ?

  23. Tuff Mustang says:

    Came here cause kept seeing this vid at gym but with the sound off. was
    curious about what people were saying. The song for me is, whatever.
    Reminds me of U2. But the interviews are cool, quite poignant at times. ?

  24. Tria Slate says:

    I was born and raised in la why the fuck do people idolize it so
    much…there’s nothing special people. I love 30 seconds to mars but la is
    a shitty place?

  25. wel tize says:

    M.A.R.S Messages so true. \m/?