The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Lindsay Lohan, Part 2 42611 Video NBC com

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15 Responses

  1. MyElieuda says:

    Eu realmente acredito na Lindsay, e na sua recuperação, torço por ela e com certeza ela me inspira…

  2. jrunberg says:

    She is damn near perfect looking.

  3. tebjosh13 says:

    She just needs to watch the schnuffel bunny from jamster with me…the bunny is sure to help

  4. tebjosh13 says:

    I love her…I no I can save her

  5. Xnjzfyneztx says:

    shes so gorgeous and shes just a badass which is fine, just like madonna if she was only a singer or rockstar ppl wouldnt care

  6. rude05ify says:

    i really admire her. she’s beautiful, talented and brilliant. she’s just vulnerable.

  7. GBassVlog says:

    awhhh! 🙁 I love lindsay!

  8. jessejames2k says:

    ravaged by coke

  9. HausofAzey says:

    can we have the full interview in a video?

  10. SOSSonicfan says:

    I hate to admit I kind of lost faith in her for a long while, but I always have been loyal to her and have always hoped for the best for her and in ways even though I lost faith in her I still did support her. 😀

  11. Loyalty1269 says:

    shes just a kid. i hope she makes it. believe it or not shes actually a talented actress

  12. roelofenraymonda says:

    She’s articulate, well spoken and polite! Great interview!

  13. caddmngr says:

    poor kid’s been through hell, I hope she pulls out once and for all this time around.

  14. tweed2000 says:

    Part 1 seems to have issues but i’ve reloaded it.

  15. vickywoolvenagain says:

    Do you have part 1?

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