The Razzies 2008

The Razzies, aka Golden Raspberry Awards, are a highly respectable honor thrust upon the worst movies from that particular year. This year, the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation deemed I Know Who Killed Me, starring Lindsey Lohan, as practically the worst movie ever made with a record 8 awards. You really shouldn’t see that movie: Mahalo Daily’s coverage of The Razzies, on the other hand, is the must see. … academyawards actor best bestactress bestdirector bestpicture worst actress picture …

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25 Responses

  1. restless103 says:

    why is selenabitch112 bragging about liking IKWKM

  2. Arthur5041975 says:

    Do I care who you were talking to?

  3. Zekee27 says:

    ..oh and most annoying voice..

  4. Zekee27 says:

    Mr. bearded potatohead should win for ugliest scariest mug and ugliest suit ever won on tv… he is seriously fuckin scary :S

  5. selenabitch112 says:

    was i even talking to u?

  6. whitemanb2 says:

    there should be one for chief roberts for his performance yesterday at the inauguration XD

  7. Arthur5041975 says:

    So the kid at 2:38 with the guy … so the guy lured the kid off MySpace to bugger him?

  8. Arthur5041975 says:

    And you should learn English selena.

  9. selenabitch112 says:

    those ppl need to stfu just cuz
    i know who killed was in the razzies
    doesn’t mean that everyone should hate it
    and not watch it! i watched it and i liked it


  10. Princessofpink93 says:

    these awards are a joke i thought they were serious…

  11. peterparker12 says:

    Who names their boy Veronica? More importantly, and I do mean importantly, wut dude proudly proclaims his name is Veronica? He couldn’t have lied and said it was Ron or Ronny?

  12. psyche1975 says:

    Veronica Belmont’s really let herself go!!

  13. GregRK7 says:

    yes i do.

  14. CrazyStuffStudios says:

    That bearded, burly man in the beginning of the video is clearly Veronica Belmont. Don’t you believe him?

  15. Uruyaya says:

    well, i guess you wanna be a star.. dont blame you, follow your dreams

  16. gabrielfrancois says:

    your comment is so immature… how hold are you? Do you hate your parents?

  17. mazaindafale says:

    That is SOOO good!

  18. edgarasc1 says:

    im not wearing anybody HAHAHA

  19. 00Kavon says:

    lol, that was fun

  20. Uruyaya says:

    hollywood deserves it. in. ur. face.

  21. afteq says:

    lawl veronica I would pick on him so incredibly much that it’s botchworthy. his parents doctors musn’t of told her that he was a boy until after the signing of the papers.. or they just truly wanted a girl that badly

  22. Mellifluous1984 says:

    Veronica Belmont looks so hot in this video!

  23. adin21a says:


  24. carb0nm4de says:

    lmao billy bob thorton

  25. dadriftking19 says:

    after party…lmao

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