The Fabulous Life of Lindsay Lohan Part I – [2012 Re-release]

The Fabulous Life Of Lindsay Lohan 2012. A Documentary about Lindsay Lohan Lavish Lifestyle speaking about her Life, Friends, Partying habits and MONEY 2012.

25 thoughts on “The Fabulous Life of Lindsay Lohan Part I – [2012 Re-release]

  1. dani merp

    and you’re the one watching something that you can’t stand and started
    talking shit. I for one, love Lindsay Lohan and will watch videos of her if
    I want to. and I’m not talking shit, I’m simply emphasizing the loser that
    you are for talking shit, so YOU need to get lost and watch something you
    enjoy instead of saying stupid crap behind a computer screen. your argument
    is invalid, period. goodbye.

  2. screwthis900

    i have a friend that was her personal stylist for sometime, and she would
    hang out and go shopping with her every once in a while and everytime that
    they went shopping lindsay would steal something. it was never anything
    big, but she would just put something on and “act” like she forgot it was
    on. for instance, one time she apparently put on a purse, and literally
    held it on her arm like it was hers until they left in her car, and she
    bought other things but stole the purse. she’s crazy

  3. shaiska

    they are whrong she probably got the cheap version of that cellphone,that
    cellphone cost 88.000 dollars becouse it got real diamonds on it and its
    one the list of one of the most expensive cellphone,s

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