the Class – Ethan & Kat – I Want You to Want Me

Just a video I made today with my favorite characters from the Class : Ethan & Kat!! This one is for you, JaiffTruch [AKA Bambi ;P Haha!] Let’s say it’s your birthday gift, even if it’s “a lil’ too late!” Song : I Want You to Want Me – Lindsay Lohan … The class Ethan Hass Kat Warbler Jason Ritter Lizzy Caplan CBS Lindsey Lohan

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25 Responses

  1. Tessybear95 says:

    LOL they would be so cute together

  2. IsraelBelo911 says:

    I’m gonna cry, i swear, i had one of this relationships, and i lost it, i miss her. disculpen mi pésimo inglés.

  3. JaiffTruch says:

    LOL No matter how many times I watch this video, I always think they look so much like us two! And I never saw that this was supposed to be a belated birthday gift. Sorry :S Well, thanks a lot. See ya soon xxx

  4. matthewfoong says:

    kat has a really hot body

  5. amal2911 says:

    i miss this show!!!!
    ethan&kat <3

  6. PiNKRIZE says:


    honestly why did they have to cancel it?!?!…its always the greatest shows that they cancel!…here in the u.k you dont get to see much of this but when you do people just want more and more but now they’ve canceled it….it sucks!!….i say BRING BACK THE CLASS!!

  7. Mju586 says:

    What episode is at 15 seconds?

  8. mcharmk says:

    hope they end up together

  9. NuclearMonday says:

    I want this show back!!!

  10. canpan87 says:

    nice clip but a cover rather hear the original song

  11. dyiguytt says:

    2mins 12 secs. those boots lizzy is wearing look so sexy

  12. MissDanaBanana says:

    I really wanted them to get together.
    I couldn’t believe they cancelled the show!

  13. kyokunskitty says:

    i want the class to come back! arrrrghh! that cliff hanger at the end of the series was horrible!

  14. wired2damoon says:

    Aww why did it have to be cancelled??? =[ I love Ethan/Kat, they’re so great together!! Great vid!! =] BRING BACK THE CLASS!!!!!

  15. xPrincessTayx says:

    I love Ethan & Kat, they are great! Brill vid!

  16. Wewtness says:

    I can’t find them on bitcomet anywhere D;
    What did you search?

  17. peero80 says:

    Good vid. These 2 are good together.

  18. shamso2008 says:

    where did u download them??

  19. unseen1016 says:

    Does Lizzy have abs in the first scene?

  20. tvFANatic26 says:

    best sitcom ever. and kat and ethan were my faves too! great vid!

  21. JaiffTruch says:

    I do hope so, too! I can’t wait to buy the DVD (if it ever exists.) And I hope they do a second season too. It’s too good!

  22. ThaRockGoddess says:

    I … downloaded them 😎 =P [bitcomet]
    [I hope they will, at least, released a DVD ]

  23. woot8947 says:

    where did u get all these episodes?

  24. woot8947 says:

    I love it!
    Kat and Ethan forever. ^^

  25. ThaRockGoddess says:

    Thank you!!! ^^ (We should do a GrapeWar someday XD)

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