The Canyons – Official Trailer (HD) Lindsay Lohan – “The Canyons” – Official Trailer Christian is a young LA trust-fund dude who’s financing a horror film simply to keep his dad off his …

21 thoughts on “The Canyons – Official Trailer (HD) Lindsay Lohan

  1. Alexander Osborn

    Believe that Jesus Christ is your savior for all your sins. If you truly believe in Jesus Christ to be your savior for all your sins then you will? go to Heaven. If you believe in Jesus Christ then you are saved and you are in salvation and you? have gained God’s righteousness. It matters not how? much you have sinned in the past, in the present and especially in the future. Believe that Jesus Christ is your savior and you will go to Heaven forever and that is the whole truth. Spread the truth.

  2. OperationButterMilk

    I? wouldn’t watch this Garbage if you put a pistola to my? head. She shoulda stuck with good family movies. Scumbag Porn Stars now? I lost all respect. Real Block buster there dumb woman!

  3. heyimSUPERDUPER

    SERIOUSLY? Some of you haven’t seen James Deen’s work and already you’re judging him and the movie. I don’t think the writer/director of American Psycho is stupid enough to hire ANY porn star. James Deen has something more than just being an adult film actor and there’s a reason why his fanbase is’s because he makes his roles in? his scenes believable enough for women-and some men’s fantasies to come to life for a good 2 hours -_-

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