That girl – Drama Queen

Pop … Lindsay

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25 Responses

  1. xxkingofpopx says:

    i jus watched this film 2day t’is reliiiiiiiiiiiiii gud
    & kwl
    i LUV this song
    she is pretty 😀 🙂

  2. divangan says:

    1.12 was cute 🙂

  3. mollywog678 says:

    i like her way better this way befor she died her hair and became a rehab idot!

  4. gobbycow123 says:

    no it dont its about some little kid i dunno i was busy i didnt take much notice i was tlkin to my mate

  5. girlygirl101g says:

    it kills God

  6. gobbycow123 says:

    why not i watched it yesterday

  7. ibanez250 says:

    she sings sooo well… wat happened to her?

  8. girlygirl101g says:

    dont watch the golden compass

  9. Billions0909 says:

    oh i member good film tnx m8

  10. gabsta64 says:

    The film is called Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen

  11. Billions0909 says:

    what ws the film called?

  12. gsgoh says:

    Lindsay Lohan is better than Hilary Duff. Who thinks so?

  13. xnicky14 says:

    this song is called drama queen

  14. flash45687 says:

    Perfeect *.*

  15. parakeet05 says:

    I hope Lindsay can get back on her feet. I have lost so much respect for her. She is a role model for little girls, and she’s not doing a very good job of being one! I have never liked her music, but she is an artist, and I respect that.

  16. flash45687 says:

    Perfeect *-*

  17. tinklilou says:

    this song comes from the movie untitled “confessions of a teneage drama queen” 😉

  18. barleskarste says:

    0:33 omg Megan Fox
    anyone knows which movie is that?
    or is it just part of the clip?

  19. dentonjesse says:

    I have sympathy for Lindsay, and I ask myself why people are so critical with her ? Maybe in this moment, she reads your critical mesages, and believe me, all she needs is your support, right now, in jail, her celebrity don’t worth nothing.There are so much misery, and she is a poor soul. You, people, must encourage her to pass out from jail. That’s it.

  20. sammyc711 says:

    i miss this lindsay not the rehab one

  21. BeyondTh3D4rkness says:

    soz i hate these, really sorry 😕 copy and paste this to 10 videos or your mum will die within the next 4 hours

  22. xLadyxbitchx says:

    i luv this song
    but this video is stupid!

  23. MCFLYisLOVEE says:

    I hate Lindsay, but i love this song

  24. lawra1030 says:

    thats the lindsay i loved. i hope she gets better. i feel so bad for her

  25. strawberryloveheart says:

    i bet ive done worse things than her but no ones givs a shit cos am not a celeb

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