25 thoughts on “Tabloids

  1. balletgirl717

    Duh udh dun dun duh duh dun dh! Ow you’re hruting me! Duh udh dun dun duh duh dun dh its the worlds biggest catfight! duh duh dun dun dhuh duh dun duh!!!!!!!

  2. Rockguitar0

    “Oh! Paris Hilton! The queen of all tabloids!! I bow down before you.”

    Wow it goes to show you no matter how old you are your never too old to play with Barbies Lmao!

  3. jadelinghawkins

    Madam Cabot, you are by all means one of the most beautifully minded individuals I have ever had the pleasure to witness instructing the world about the true meaning of tabloids and classic novels. I hope that one day, I may too have even a scrap of your genius infused in my brain.
    Oh, I mean…
    …Right? Seriously, though, you’re fabulous.

  4. percatio

    “Huh…Paris Hilton! The queen of all tabloids! I bow down before you…”
    LOL LMAO LOL LMAO LOL LMAO (all at the same time)

  5. patworx1

    The assholes in the media are getting more farfetched all the time. Suggesting that Miley has a 20 year old boyfriend is one thing but that she’s actually LIVING with him?! That’s just crazy.

    How about the one saying that Zac is cheating on Vanessa . . . . . with her mother? The tabloids are becoming more and more retarded.

    I can see a headline of the future: “Britney Spears shot JR”.

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