25 thoughts on “stella & vanessa hudgens movie

  1. kikrono

    ….wow you guys are so full of your selfs cause you think you look like celebs……wow…totally full of your selfs…god k u r not venessa and stella can’t be her sister cause she has no REAL** proof…they would have put her in magizines and stuff like that …..ReTaRd! der duh der

  2. ahhh196

    um..why does everyone say stella looks like vanessa? sure, both hv good looks, but i can see that their mum’s filipino side is better shown through in stella..i think that vanessa looks more exotic, like a real mix…

  3. MeganFandZacEFOREVER

    Zac Efron broke up with Vanessa Hudgens one week ago. We just got news feeds saying that she was seen crying somewhere in North LA. Apperently, her hair and clothes were a mess and she looked awful…but what else is new.
    Copy and paste this and above to 5 other videos and make a wish…that wish will come true…if not then you will have bad luck.

  4. Ashenix

    GUYS SHUT UP. i’m very jealous that stella gets suck a hot sister, idiots.
    i love vanessa, and i wanna be one of them. you don’t need to be against me cause your all fags except the people that like stella and vaness.

  5. SEXnCITY3

    Umm Stella Was Kute And Vanessa She Looked High And Hungover On Almost Every Single Pick Whats Up With Throwing Up Westside At 2:30 And 3:05!?

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