Starveillance – Lindsay Lohan on SNL

Lindsay Lohan’s meeting to discuss her appearance on Saturday Night Live is parodied by E!’s Starveillance.

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12 Responses

  1. biznitch007 says:

    LOLOLOL i love it when tina says talking with your mouth full then lindsay with her mouth full is like thats thats bullcrap

  2. shannonD68 says:

    i remember this on snl!!!

  3. monkeyperson1ne says:

    in the real thing she did look like she hogged everything

  4. txmcxlx says:

    She’s so hot. I would kill just to shoot some sperm into her baby maker. Cum to daddy!

  5. nd396597 says:

    I just want to go to the people who made this and say, “NO! Not funny. So HACK. So dumb.”

    No, I’m not defending Lohan, she does not live in any reality…

  6. Lunaistatic says:


  7. katym96 says:

    what, this appeared in Saturday Night Live?

  8. bitner28 says:


  9. americantouch says:

    that is lindsay thats her style i dont think her mum fed her well

  10. missxmechanical says:

    team nicole LOL

  11. Melodia10023 says:

    “That’s my butt, please don’t touch my butt.”

  12. GeorgeMorales17 says:

    Lindsay is a Megastar

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