Sons of Liberty:Message to the New World Order

Sons of Liberty:Message to the New World Order … Sarah Palin john mccain obama new world order russia georgia lou dobbs glenn beck bush orleans Hurricane ike clinton ron paul biden britney spears paris hilton nafta cafta lindsey lohan Beijing 2008 Jonas Brothers bailout rescue plan congress vice presidential debate gold stock market main street wall

25 thoughts on “Sons of Liberty:Message to the New World Order


    i am head of the resistence in england, i am from the northwest faction, a skilled and higly trained elite group, ready and waiting for the call to arms…

  2. atarturk

    What NWO? Tell me about the New World Order. The civil war you say, who will fight against each other? Who are the elite globalists? Do you know what inflation is?

  3. atarturk

    Who is going to take people from their homes? They can try but since i have the right to bear arms, they can take me without a fight.

  4. tsume184

    You wont be saying that when you are takin from your home in the middle of the night, or in the morning. matter of factly you would be wishing you had payed attention to this.

  5. taylorduquette

    k ur right about having rights but im bein a tyrant about ur opinion for the right reasons cause ur speaking against what could be our next to die for heros, like im not saying a civil war wont happen it could, this NWO government i would damn well say is coming through consent or conquest, and these elite globalists are not the ones that should be in charge, thats all gonna change though, and inflation aint gonna work

  6. atarturk

    I have a right to comment without someone shitting on me. You, my friend are the tyrant. No body in the world will have the same opinion about something you care for. Open your eyes.

  7. taylorduquette

    yea im so cool, yea i think this videos stupid, look at me world!!!! i have an opinion, i think i matter, i think im right just cause i think i should be, fuck you tyrannt

  8. GoTimothy

    You people are paranoid terrorrist. Everything belongs to God. Power corupts and anyone placed in power is going to be corrupt. Even if we gave your organization the Presidency, you would enslave the rest of us and divide the money amoung your friends. You cannot get a new fox to guard the henhouse. There will be a revolution, but God’s Kingdom will be setup, not yours. The Timocracy and the Timothean Government. NWO not WOA

  9. zeno57

    Some of the top elites live in THE HAMPTONS, in huge mansions,, My girlfriend and I were twice harrased by a bully and his thug buddy.the third time I punched him in the nose and broke it,turned to the 2nd thug but he ran away{there was a lot of blood} Sometimes you must strike first and hard

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