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25 Responses

  1. 4gabix says:

    probably she is suffering for the end of the love story with her girlfriend..

  2. 4gabix says:

    I am sure that this song isn’t composed by Lohan but Joan Baez

  3. Lohanvaladares says:

    Her music is so sweet..
    It sounds had came from the deep oceans.
    Love her. Be back on stange Lohan!!!

  4. XxSternchenxX8 says:

    This song is so beautiful i love it <3

  5. singer2tl says:

    this song is done as an acoustical version on cities sampler 97 volume 11 beautifully done she has an angels voice

  6. TimmytheGeek2009 says:

    I love this song and most of this CD. She must have retired after this though.

  7. ImzadiNN says:

    I like this one… but I miss the harmonies of the three voices of the girls of Shaye.

    Still awesome.

  8. BillDFC says:

    weird song really.

  9. pawnshops says:

    A haunting melody – wonderful !

  10. BeatleBantam says:

    absolutely awesome song,most of the better artists are not superstars,but deserve to be.

  11. SnowyOwl1959 says:

    This is AWESOME this beautiful perfect song..why isn’t she a superstar?…or whatever she wants to be and to share…??..i don’t understand…please come back beautiful angel…love and light..

  12. XxSternchenxX8 says:

    first heard this song in the movie “message in a bottle” and i absolutely loved it! her voice is beautiful and the just amazing 😉

    …i am no mermaid i am no mermaid
    and i am no fisherman´s slave
    i keep my head above the waves…<3

  13. SRArepublican3 says:

    great now i dont have to listen to you ever again!!

  14. Marcus1428L says:

    And a nutjob, to boot. Great, now I can ignore you.

  15. SRArepublican3 says:


  16. Marcus1428L says:

    And whose business were YOU minding?
    When you post publicly and attack people for no reason, you deserve to be slapped down for it. So what if someone is moved to gush over a video? You must be a miserably unhappy person.

  17. SRArepublican3 says:

    mind your own buisness.

  18. Marcus1428L says:

    Who are you telling to shut up? ANOTHER Sinead Lohan fan? Sheesh!

  19. SRArepublican3 says:

    shut up!!

  20. 1in1universe says:

    Sinead, singin for friends and family is ok but you know you have many many friends all over the planet you just don’t know them.
    And what the historians are going to say about you, you one of the greatest poet of the 21 century?
    Come back and share the love sweet heart.

  21. SRArepublican3 says:


  22. mthivier says:

    This is gorgeous! I loved Joan Baez’ version of this song (which was also gorgeous), but had never heard the original version. This is absolutely beautiful.

  23. beth1706 says:

    YEAHHH Mr Gregory Lovess This Song
    You Go Greggy xD

  24. Scarlet89 says:

    Just bought the cd the other day. Pure luck they had it in the first shop I asked. Very good I must say. This is a great song. Made me buy it in the first place!

  25. angeansaiorm says:


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