ShowBiz Minute: Taylor, Lohan, Lady Gaga

Stars across the world react to Elizabeth Taylor’s death; Lindsay Lohan rejects judge’s plea offer in theft case; Lady Gaga speaks out about Malaysia lyric censorship. (March 24)

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10 Responses

  1. bb53535 says:

    So what.

  2. Suel14 says:

    @NusaybahBintKa3b this real news u talk about will not help you understand the world

  3. AlvaroAndfriends says:

    I swear when it comes to Linsay Lohan and every fucking celebrities out there getting away with crimes it makes me wonder as to why the fuck these justice system are so FUCKING corrupt. Money is everything for the fucking justice system with not justice. Fuck her and every one of them that did crimes and only got a pat on the back while other are sent to jail and forced to rot!!! IDIOTS!!!

  4. travis122imdb says:

    @cazyblood3 so how dowe get rid of Fame?

  5. xxSerpenttinexx says:

    My care cup is empty.

  6. cazyblood3 says:

    dam when a famous person dies its all over the news but when you die no one gives a shit because your not famous fuck famous people

  7. LoveThalia4311 says:

    @NusaybahBintKa3b lol

  8. esunsinverguenza says:

    @NusaybahBintKa3b agree

  9. NusaybahBintKa3b says:

    Thanks AP! This is the REAL news. Forget Libya and all the people getting killed around the world.

  10. 7400Hunter says:


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