ShowBiz Minute: Lohan, Hilton, Timberlake

Lindsay Lohan released from house arrest after 35 days; 2 year sentence for convicted Paris Hilton trespasser; Justin Timberlake part of group buying MySpace. (June 30)

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4 Responses

  1. CertifiedGooner729 says:

    Lindsay is such a wild little girl. All she has to do now is show us her titties.

  2. cstyle3435 says:

    lohan, hilton, timberlake…. ill pass id rather watch flies fuck.

  3. IcyKitty says:

    an anti shoplifting class? lesson one, don’t shoplift.. lesson two, look at lesson one

  4. JESUStheATHEIST1 says:

    lindsey spent 35 days in a mansion on the beach drinking,partying and fucking. im sure shes learned her lesson.