Sexy Hot Mess Lindsay Lohan Makeup Tutorial

Watch Halloween Video HERE: Please rate/comment/fave/tweet! THANK YOU! I hope you subscribe for more! Comment question of the Day: 1. What is YOUR favorite costume of all time? BONUS: What Halloween costumes of Buck’s can you remember that he has worn on YouTube??? Happy Halloween! Love, Buck “Michael” xoxo

25 thoughts on “Sexy Hot Mess Lindsay Lohan Makeup Tutorial

  1. LikaLaruku

    You’d look awesome with super long hair (provided it’s real). It makes you look like Integral from Hellsing or Chris Landmayer from Psychoblast.

  2. emilyae

    so my comp is pretty slow and i had to pause it to let it load a little bit more and i stopped it at 0:06 and it just stopped at “….show a lotta-” And I was like….. show what Buck? I’d really like to know….. ::wink:: Im just kidding…. I know you’re faggerish!!! Can we be BFFs?

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