16 thoughts on “See Lindsay Lohan in Rehab

  1. afryexx

    You do realize that MOST people? undergoing treatment for addiction either smoke and or take up smoking while in rehab? It’s the classic ‘substitute one addiction for another.’ Most professionals even suggest it – a cigarette is a thousand times better than crack. No matter what you think of her, saying she’ll be dead soon is just sick and cruel. She is a human being after all.

  2. beeroosterm

    You didn’t answer my question. Does she look good? compared to what she looked like when she was healthy? I say no. Also, the fact that she is in treatment for addiction and allowed to consume one of the most addicting substances on the planet (nicotine) gives you an idea of how effective the treatment will be. She’ll be dead soon; she’s too far gone.

  3. christabel darcy

    God almighty, you sound like a barrel of fun. Lets be honest, all you wanted was an excuse to have a rant about Lindsay and all you have right now is? smoking. Lindsay is in rehab, contrary to what you say she looks great and I for one wish her the very best.

  4. beeroosterm

    Rehab is mostly 12-step bullshit. How do I know this? Aside from the fact that AA/12-step has proved to be worthless as a treatment modality, these people are SMOKING CIGARETTES! To allow people to consume one of the most addictive substances on earth? while being treated for addiction is a piece of irony that is rarely mentioned. Lohan is most likely doomed.

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