25 thoughts on “Samantha Ronson & Lindsay Lohan

  1. FoxRacerGurl57

    uhhmm,schreirette, the dj is a girl…
    and who else thinks that is so weird how samantha ronson sings that song that they play like every 5 seconds (built This way) in mean girls-in which lindsay stars in

  2. proserweb

    OMG!!!! jejejejeje! love the songggg! and them of course who cares shes happy that’s all that matters!!!!!! and don”tttt say good bye to love!!!!! jejejeje! <3 the song!!!!

  3. gotikcute

    she didn’´t say her name, but she said she has one significant other, and she spends avery single day and night with sam, also they have matching tatoos and she haven’t date any man since she’s hanging out with samantha. What do you think about that?, it’s more than obvious. You don´t kiss your friends on their lips or their necks…

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