Sam Ronson sings to Lindsay! (2009-02-24)

relationship. During the acoustic concert at Genghis Cohen in LA, Sam got “awwwws” from the crowd when she told ’em “This is for Lindsay,” but the song included lyrics like “I’ll follow you out of control … I’m falling after you, in and out of love.” In her dedication Sam also said, “You get your heart broken sometimes and then you unbreak it and break it again.” Linds was there — sitting front row with a digital camera – and said the song made her mad. Fight 3173 on the way?” … Lindsay …

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25 Responses

  1. louiseperrello says:

    sam can not sing give it up

  2. louiseperrello says:

    not really

  3. hollywoodddwoo1 says:

    oh god. that was… um

  4. teartillblood says:

    omg, that’s so sweet~

    no matter who u fall in love with, it’s just love

    and true love waits

  5. weeyohwee says:

    she sings horrible..but then sweet…

  6. xPrincessxBright says:

    Them back yet??

  7. Shellyrocks21 says:


  8. iamthecooltype says:

    0:11 Love the: Ooo this is for Lindsay
    and then the hand. Sam’s so cute!

  9. iamthecooltype says:

    So sweeeet! Love Samantha.
    Lindsay & Samantha are the cutest couple I’ve ever seen!

  10. Gabyvk94x says:

    awwhh ^_^

  11. meiosia says:

    what does it means?the song?can somebody please explain…its like a nasty song?

  12. golnazgolnaz says:

    oh my gosh ! this is sooooo lovly ooh my gosh . they r in love .

  13. parishiltondu69 says:

    Oh, so cute

  14. thunderdoc11 says:

    HAHA i wounder dat too

  15. loveyanot says:

    wow i taught my ears were gonnna bleed she should take a singing class with all that money

  16. kerenaliao says:

    what happend to them! they are perfect couple! sigh~~~~

  17. shimonazza says:

    sam is so sweet.

  18. tonilimjolie says:

    *sigh*…so much for THE cutest couple!…I agree, Lindsay & Samantha are meant to be together!…Love Them! 🙂


  19. lovableteddysbear says:

    yessss . i agree with youu .
    do you agree with their relationship ?
    :(:( i wanna old lindsay

  20. betty162 says:

    you guys should get back togethere you guys are a wonderful couple!

  21. Jimmybru3 says:

    Sam can noy sing!!

  22. TennesseeNurselady says:

    sam is a fucking ugly girl

  23. Julieeee5 says:

    my god, they need to back togheter! amazinggg

  24. OperaticElvenmaid says:

    Lindsay sings much better.

  25. Zamouse says:

    that’s so sad. 🙁

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