Sam + Linds || Tonight

Copyright belongs to visible companies! No fuckin infringement of copyright wanted!!! Please tell me BEFORE blockin my account again… that would be nice.. =) … Lindsay Lohan Samantha Ronson Sam lesbian hollywood los angeles couple new current kiss

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25 Responses

  1. Bombriela says:

    Amazing video
    great song!!!!
    the pictures and vedeos were very good chosen
    hope they last for ever I’m in love with this couple

  2. xximmadeofawesomexx says:

    wish them both a good luck… the video is so cute..

  3. Hanke27 says:

    Tonight… by FM Static

  4. xximmadeofawesomexx says:

    what is the title of this song

  5. spicerthenwater says:

    but they have not broken up……

  6. isuck3426 says:

    this vid makes me sad now that they broke up

  7. Jorjafan1 says:

    nice video, like the song and the pictures, didn´t like Lindsay as blond , sorry but she looked WAY to much like her mum Dina and I really don´t like the that much.. thank for sharing defenitliy a favorite

  8. acousticboy1992 says:

    who sings this song?

  9. acousticboy1992 says:


  10. cpst9 says:

    cute couple, good vid!

  11. OOdaniellaOO says:

    pretty song=P
    and beautiful indsay!=P
    she and sam so cute togther…i wish tham happy life=]

  12. lokolfoco26 says:

    i just can’t get rid off this video!

    the song is too perfect for these two lovely couples…

    Sam is obviously the perfect luvmate of Lindsay!

  13. theellew0rd says:

    i like this vid, i love those two there adorable 🙂

  14. gutchn says:


  15. Hanke27 says:

    *loooool* Allerdings.. we’ll see xD xD Ich bin gspannt

  16. gutchn says:

    wirst schon sehn..all night long 😉

  17. Hanke27 says:

    *loooooool* xD xD Ganz ganz böse

  18. gutchn says:

    our sex’s gonna be on fire 😉

  19. Hanke27 says:

    😛 Honk… the sex is on fire

  20. gutchn says:

    hanke du geile sau 😀

  21. Hanke27 says:

    I didn’t yet cuz I thought it’s not that advisable

  22. kassandrakassan says:

    You’ve done something great Hanke27.
    Did you show it to Lindsay?

  23. veenanum says:

    sweet couple 😀

  24. Hanke27 says:

    FM Static

  25. TBRP38 says:

    Awesome video whos the song by ?

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