Actress Lindsay Lohan and her rumored girlfriend, DJ Samantha Ronson, returned to Los Angeles after a recent trip to New York. Lindsay had been in Manhattan filming scenes for her guest-spot on the hit ABC comedy Ugly Betty. Back in town, the couple did a little shopping and enjoyed some time together. … LINDSAY LOHAN, SAMANTHA RONSON, LOS ANGELES

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11 Responses

  1. 18silvia90 says:

    ke linda paeja acen x diosssss
    lilo se ve tan wpa kn sam xD

  2. lukaslohan says:

    lindsay is so beautiful..i love her

  3. AdrianXIV says:

    I don’t care that she’s a lesbian I just think she could do alot better at finding a girlfriend then that ugly shit Sam

  4. britneyspearsfan343 says:

    Sam is a waste of lindsay’s time I mean she dresses horribly, she looks like a complete reck, she always wears that goofy 5 cent hat.. the only good sam does for her is makes her more mature… Lindsay can feel free to have feeling for a woman but Sam? I mean I realize their friends so stay that way

  5. iheartchrismartin says:

    lovebirds looked so happy while inside sam’s car.crazy jealous!

  6. zephytas says:

    love the video crazy about Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson. Thank God Lindsay Lohan is not driving in La she has Samantha her driver.
    Lindsay’s best shopping buddies best friends Samantha everywhere they go together one can’t live without the other.

  7. kenis19 says:

    yeah!!!!!!!!!! she accept it!! (like everybody doesn’t know about it) hahaha nice vid, nice girls, nice relationship!!, look if everyone could respect each other everything could be so nice! we are all humans, that’s the only thing that really cares! feel the LOVE! =)

  8. xoxopack says:

    she’s british

  9. BluAngel22 says:

    is sam british or american ? i no her bros british but she sounds american

  10. fransheskka says:

    Me gusto el video, pero pobre girl asechada siempre por las camaras.

  11. pyleo20 says:

    waooo this is amazing great vid !! I love when sam and lindsay were taking pictures in sam’s car !!! love 4ever sam&lindsay (L)

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