25 thoughts on “Rumors Lindsay Lohan lyrics

  1. marcellalopesc

    but, if you dont want rumours, you should know that fame comes with a price, yes, she’s right, and yes, they need privacy.

    But, of course, didn’t expect her to know, because she started in this industry very young.

  2. HMSgirl4eva

    This song is defitley what people should follow! I h8 it when Celebs like Miley Cyrus,Ashley Tisdale,Vanessa Hudgens and Lidnsey Lohan get rumors made about them! Respect there privacy!

  3. tayindahouselol

    This is song is so good, because Lindsay is saying that she dosnt want ppl to keep making up stuf about her, wen it all isnt true!Thts y this song rox!

  4. xsoxlastsummer

    i luv this song becuse it likes explains that she is like this because people r like starting rumers like i dont like starting rumers or being in one so i think i know how she feels 😀

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