Ross Gets A Tan

Ross goes to get a tan and its never simple in the land of Friends … Friends Ross Geller Comedy Humour Funny Tan Spray Sirhc0102

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25 Responses

  1. MunkyKing13 says:

    IM AN 8!

  2. jake121595 says:

    think if he chose 3… hed be a 12

  3. imacaligrl4life says:

    This episode is hillarious!!!

    “you never turned?”
    “no, i barely even got to 3 mississippi”
    “mississippi? i told you to count to 5”


  4. scider7 says:


  5. nel171289 says:

    omg this episode is amazing! he cracks me up! i love ross!

  6. negroblax says:


    LMAO!! nothing is funnier than that line.

  7. myrndodgie says:

    For someone with a PhD, he can be pretty stupid XD

  8. ululanio says:

    lol :37….

  9. cuddlys34bubble says:

    I’M A TWELVE??

  10. geegee901 says:

    ross- I like how u look what are u
    the guy- Puerto Rican

  11. glockfather16 says:

    hey u catch on quick well i have a phd

  12. iUDods says:

    Mississipilessly? lolol

  13. phantomwaltz says:

    i’ve always noticd how ross has a pretty good body, broad shoulders =P

  14. xoxclaudia101xox says:

    this is just class, ross is the best

  15. pptexts says:

    one of the best episodes ever! everytime i see it, I burst out laughing. Ross is fantastic in this one! It never gets old.

  16. grybold says:

    The Puerto Rican guy looks white now. Haha!

  17. VeronicaMars424 says:

    “you can sing a duet of ebony and ivory all by yourself!” haha chandler!

  18. seattlegirl85 says:

    i love ross he is my favorite guy on friends@

  19. nitumaddie says:

    im an eight!!!!!!!!

  20. Rodgershavinalaff says:

    hes hot

  21. 2ndxvnp says:

    they need new seasons now 🙁

  22. Ninodihno says:

    “well i have a pgd so” well what idiot count missisippi hehe 😀 no offence

  23. Rhox53 says:

    In the end, he’s a 12! (For those who don’t know)

  24. minhiez says:


  25. BipJipnBung says:

    LOL! HE’S AN 8!
    i love friends!

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