Reading Lindsay Lohan’s Body Language in Court

Body language guru Cheeks examines Lindsay Lohan’s court video to theorize whether or not she’s genuinely “sorry” or crying crocodile tears.

25 thoughts on “Reading Lindsay Lohan’s Body Language in Court

  1. Ttoby89

    I love you. Loved the couple of moments you were channelling Gretchen Weiners. And the lawyer’s inner monologue. SubSCRIBED!

  2. MagicTimeBear

    you get some pretty interesting things said to you on here, Cheeks, I sure wouldn’t know how to deal with it. Eeep! Anyway, love this vid, I watch it whenever I need a good laugh. thanks for that. 🙂

  3. ChibiCheeks101

    BRAVO! :p You get a cyber-standing ovation for being the ONLY person who can make me laugh at the moment! :p You deserve like… I dunno… cyber-muffins or something… o.O


  4. SusieFierce

    OMG!!! Brilliant, gutsy, hilarious, RELEVANT insight. Loved it. And BTW, as a fast talker, I LOVE when other people talk fast; the cadence just works for me. I think you’ve got me beat by a mile though 😉 You are adorable and you nailed this.

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