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Raw Video: Lindsay Lohan in Court
Lindsay Lohan appears visibly relieved and hugs her attorney after Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner informs her she has met all probation requirements and is not expected in court again. (March 29)
24 thoughts on “Raw Video: Lindsay Lohan in Court”
i don’t? get it she has money and yet she steals and looks like she been doing some heavy drugs we will see her in the obituaries just like whitney houston in no time and these are our kids role models what the hell is our world coming to.
I know it’s hard to obey the law when you? are famous? Who is this “Judge”?
I wonder if this Judge would say the same if she had a packed courtroom of grieving families after Lyndsay Lohan’s DUI driving escapade had a different, more common outcome of inevitability.
Look at the miles on that puss….What a waste. All that time in the? morgue and she still couldn’t learn how to apply make up tastefully. Say no to coke AND Collagen, LiLo
She’s? become really ugly.
i don’t? get it she has money and yet she steals and looks like she been doing some heavy drugs we will see her in the obituaries just like whitney houston in no time and these are our kids role models what the hell is our world coming to.
I know it’s hard to obey the law when you? are famous? Who is this “Judge”?
I wonder if this Judge would say the same if she had a packed courtroom of grieving families after Lyndsay Lohan’s DUI driving escapade had a different, more common outcome of inevitability.
Next time, revoke the balance!? Har!
Look at the miles on that puss….What a waste. All that time in the? morgue and she still couldn’t learn how to apply make up tastefully. Say no to coke AND Collagen, LiLo
BIG SMILE! YAY!? She gets to go out whoring again! Can’t wait!!!!
Goddamn, she looks? rough…
She got some? big titties.
Stupid? famous bitch
why? u´re watching??????????
_She? needs a judge to tell her what to do with her life?? ` 2:05
Lindsay not Linda?
Linda looks good here..pretty natural redhead without thatchipmunk cheeked look.
Keep? up the good work girl…
time to party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
she should do pron?
i know? lol and that blond hair makes her looks like her mothers twin
Who the? fuck cares?
Lindsay is a complete mess she was fine when? a child but turned into white trash
3 years probation for stealing a necklace that you? had to give back?! seems a little harsh.
All right, Lindsey. Way? to go. Time to go celebrate by drinking and doing a few lines of coke. lol.
Not? nice
12? year old