22 thoughts on “Raw Video: Lindsay Lohan Arrives in Court

  1. WeaselHalfbreed

    What a crybaby little weasel. All she had to do was what the court ordered her to do and since she supposedly has so much money, she could just hire a driver for her when she went out to party. I don’t give a damn if this freckled ginger drank herself to death, but she had a lot of time to adhere to the judges orders. Now she has to be babysat by the state. Thanks Lindsay.


    K—————/´ ¯/ New World Order Scumbags
    A————–/—-/ Walmart, McZombieFood & GMO
    S————-/—-/ FOX, CNN, MSM Corporate Garbage
    P——–/´¯/’–‘/´¯`·_ Lying Corrupt Governments
    L——-/’/–/—-/—–/¨¯\ Monsanto, Nestle,IG Farben
    A—–(‘(———-? ¯~/’–‘)? WallStreet Bankster Scum
    R——\————-‘—–/ N.W.O. RFID, Implants, Slavery
    F——-‘\’————_-·´Illegal Military Interventions
    O———\———–(-?Shell, Texaco, BP Scumbags
    ————-\———–\ And FUCK YOU Associated Press
    for not having the BALLS-WORLD PATRIOTS PREVAIL.

  3. ahhyo2006

    @Datalyss She was found guilty of violating her probation by consuming alcoholic beverages and having controlled substance in her system in addition to tampering with her monitor bracelet.

  4. BertGriffin88

    Lindsay, show us your fingernails, especially that one that says ‘F___U’. Lindsay let us see it. Come on Lindsay, show us the contempt. Lindsay, let us see how you rebel against the man. It’s high time the law was taken down a notch & you’re just the angry beeach to do it. Don’t let them tell you nuttin, Lindsay. Lindsay, we’re always behind you, sort of like the Republicans that started the Bush&Dick fake Wars that have become America’s treasure draining realities. So Lindsay, rage on, rage on!


    the media is ridiculous making such a big deal about this i know she is a celeb but come on is that serious no wonder why almost all celebs burn under the media and die at such a young age to much negativity drawn their way.

  6. XratedBarbie

    Come on AP give us a REAL story!! this is bullshiit -_- Just came to say that only NOT to watch some human walk in a building o.O wtf is wrong with you people who gives a Fuck!!!

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