AMAZING – The Amazing Atheist Documentary On sale now: Watch the trailer here: * * * Follow The Amazing Atheist TWITTER: FACEBOOK: MOVIE/MUSIC REVIEWS (as The Distressed Watcher): * * * Fourth Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Rides Through Egypt Jury Convicts Muslim TV Executive Of Beheading His Wife. He was the Executive of a network founded to counter Muslim Stereotypes. Safeway Accidentally Gives Pregnant Women Abortion Pill Lindsay Lohan To Be Charged With Grand Theft Cock Fight Spectator Killed By Cock I was wrong, some republicans do have a spine
@noneed, we have proven that RNA can form Randomly, on its own, under certain conditions, another thing that should be noted is the fact that life started as single-cell organisms that were not very complex at all, and then developed from there; But of course, you probably believe that humans were magically procured out of dust in the ground, and the Earth is only 6000 years old and that dinosaur fossils are God’s way of “testing” your faith.
I’m sure someone has already mentioned this but, the Divine Do manifest themselves in fire, according to Exodus? May be wrong about which book it is but, God himself spoke unto Moses through a burning bush. Not that it really matters since it’s a load of horse-shit anyway.
If someone told you that your computer self-exisisted without anyone ever designing it, I hope you would say they were nuts.
How long would it take for a jet fighter to form itself by chance, say in the ground, without a designer? A million years? A billion years? A million billion years? It’ll NEVER happen. Man is designed infinitely more complicated, yet you want me to believe it was by chance? Are you crazy?
@GoldenKnight422 Real athiests drink tea, christians drink coffe
I’d say it looks more like Pestilence, the First Horseman, to which after he appears, everybody would become sick from plagues & shit like that; it it were Death, the Fourth Horseman, then everybody would instantly DROP DEAD, clue’s in the name. Since nothing happened for either “Horseman’s” appearence, then yeah, it’s most likely a lense-flare
At 5:05, TJ sounds like Neelix from Star Trek Voyager.
2:39 what kind of a horde is that?
why, it’s that horse of a different colour you’ve heard tell about!
it does look like a horse
Anyone know where I could find the shirt TJ is wearing in this vid?
You should be a lawyer.
The worst thing about it is that these so-called “Christians” have to believe something OTHER than their OWN BIBLE in order to believe that this lens-flare (which looks a lot like a horse to me; I actually had to look for a bit to realize that it was just reflected light and not a guy on a horse) in order to believe that this is the “fourth horse of the apocalypse”.
If they are Christians, they’re not very good ones, and as much as you may hate Christianity, this is not Christianity’s fault.
@TheHedgehog1337 If I was going to be killed by a cock, I’d want it to be in incredibly strange circumstances, so everyone would be confused by my death.
“Man found dead in White House elevator. Autopsy reveals abdominal cavity stuffed with cocks”
So, yeah, size doesn’t matter if you know how to get freaky.
Thumbs up if you favourited this video in fear that you would be killed by a cock.
Ive been meaning to ask. Do you watch Supernatural?
ahhhh i wish they still sold guillatines, its the only friggen kind of knife i dont own…anyone got one that theyre willing to trade/sell?
@BlueHat15 I favorited it for the depressingly giggly arm.
dude this is by far my favorite video by u. hahaha i been watching you for yrs. this has got to be on your top 5 by me. LOVE IT!
OMFG the forth horseman of the apocalypse is SHREK
“He thought he could go to an illegal rooster fight, but now, he’s cock-a-doodle-DEAD!”
I laughed so fucking hard! Why do they make such bad puns? Whyyyyyy?!
Id like to be killed by a 12 inch cock if id had to be killed by a cock i just have a size preference
Get a grip…not “all Christians” believe this nonsense.
Horsemen of the Apocalypse?! Sweet! if it’s anything like Red Dead Redemption, I am totally stealing the second horseman’s horse! =P
i dont like youtube comment wars because i feel compelled to go back through the comments to see how it started
@jagg1951 No, it’s not A OK. According to philosophy, truth is not relative. Just because I believe in God doesn’t make it 100% true. Just because he doesn’t believe in God doesn’t make it true. When we’re dead we BOTH either have to answer to dirt. Or we BOTH have to answer to GOD. The Christian doesn’t go to Christian heaven & the Muslim go to Muslim heaven, nor the atheist go to atheist dirt. There’s one truth. I believe in Christianity because I have faith. Just like the atheist. = NO PROOF.