Pop Waffle Vol. 23: I’m Erika and I approve this message

for the week of 10.27.08 music: An Eluardian Instance by of Montreal popwaffle.com costume sarah Palin joe the plumber ashley todd high school musical III saw beverly hills chihuahua hugh hefner halloween party mac PC OJ simpson trial prison movies time machine ben and jerry’s peta milk project runway j. lo linsday lohan ugly betty america ferrara … costume Palin joe the plumber ashley todd high school musical III saw beverly hills chihuahua hugh hefner halloween mac PC …

25 thoughts on “Pop Waffle Vol. 23: I’m Erika and I approve this message

  1. dandyPANDYpanda

    wait wait wait? did i read that right? Anew Revolution said that? dude their a band and i saw em in Urbana..hehe i got one of the guitar players picks 😀

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