Planet Pit Exclusive: Pitbull speaks on Lindsay Lohan Lawsuit

Planet Pit Exclusive: Pitbull speaks on Lindsay Lohan Lawsuit

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25 Responses

  1. gamerdeku says:

    Pitbull..!! lindsay just wants money..!!!

  2. sq33zieluv09 says:

    Linsey Just wants MONEY!

  3. XenaAres95 says:

    He is so cute (:?

  4. DieterBohlenFan21 says:

    pitbull rocks!!

  5. LatinoIsntARace says:

    @geesthacht82 lol Oh ok

  6. geesthacht82 says:

    I also love negroid Latinos, with Kid Cudi leading the way. 🙂

  7. napsha4 says:

    Lindsay should thank Pitbull for bringing her back under the spotlights! If she wants fame again she should sing or act again… In my opinion she gelous on Pitt and his fans!

  8. kymmyshor says:

    Bleah, fuck that cracked bitch!

  9. LatinoIsntARace says:

    @geesthacht82 You just like white latinos that’s all. Why not say that about the brown and black “latinos”?

    Yeah if you havn’t noticed latino isn’t a race.

  10. oliverkahn14 says:

    lindsey lohan is just a pussy

  11. 666satyriasis says:

    He’s Rapping While He’s Talkin’ Haha! If u put Background music its a new song of pitbull!!!

  12. SKAAFive says:

    the funny thing is i went to his concert like 6 weaks ago he was so happy and now some stupid bitch had to sue him

  13. fize34 says:

    lololololoolooollololololol … i laughed so hard when he said he want to invite lindsay lohan …. llololollollollolololloloollool

  14. vanknguyen1985 says:

    wow, Lindsay Lohan should just chill, not everything in her life is just a negative outcome….i mean…mental distress? is she that broke to sue someone else for money when it was over nothing? Pitbull! you are amazing, you are inspiring, don’t stop what you’re doing because of some ingrate can’t appreciate what you have been giving to the world!

  15. strmtroopr says:

    she will do anything for publicity and money what an idiot

  16. LadyShyTwice says:

    I’m sorry but Pitbull’s a TERRIBLE liar.. it’s obvious that when he said locked up he meant jail. That’s not gonna help his little problem at all by trying to change his words up.. Lindsay may be an ignorant idiot according to everything that’s gotten her into her mess but I’m guessing she has had enough time behind bars to know what locked up means. On the other hand, she doesn’t have the right to SUE LOL like that’s highly unecessary you’re a celeb get? used to it. People will say your name.(;

  17. Marco2007lol says:

    Stupid bitch,she’s just searching for money….

  18. ursulac1975 says:

    Lindsay Lohan, wat can we say about her? Noththing! She just wants some money cuz she is broke. The only way she can do it is by a lawsuit from Pitbull and Jennifer Lopez….
    Lindsay get a life!

  19. mom2beauty1999 says:

    Lohan is a joke…dont sweat it Pitbull…tell her to kiss your fine ass…shes an attention Ho!!!

  20. xhiddenscars says:

    I love Pitbull but this is bull shit xD
    He meant locked up as in the term for jail, it’s just too obvious.
    But Lindsay is overreacting, she WAS locked up, it’s not like he called her a bitch or a whore, he just mentioned her getting ‘locked up’.
    That lawsuit won’t go anywhere.

  21. 30indhira says:

    @avenged212 that is rapping, ppl mention any names they want any time, i know what u mean but if u think about it, it’s juts awkward of lindsay to sue him for that, i mean he explained it already it was not a negative comment but a compliment and if its about her reputation , her reputation will be always the same whether pitbull mentioned her on his song or not

  22. 30indhira says:

    hahhaahahhah she is not in the position to sue anybody!! she harmed her reputation herself long time ago, like really??? this is just awkward lol

  23. MarvelousworldTV says:

    man pitbull is the homie thats my dude

  24. JutsGirl1 says:

    If you want a date to the VMA’a doll, I would accompany you 😉

  25. JutsGirl1 says:

    wow! somebody is Sue Happy! First that “milk-a-holic Lindsay” thing and now this??? Please! Go shop lift somewhere with Wynona Rider and leave this sexy man alone lol