Pitbull Apologizes to Lindsay Lohan — Invite to the VMAs

Rapper Pitbull has officially apologized to Lindsay Lohan for dropping her name in one of his songs – however, that doesn’t make Lilo’s lawsuit against him any less ridiculous.

25 thoughts on “Pitbull Apologizes to Lindsay Lohan — Invite to the VMAs

  1. Drummer24seven

    I agree, but as for that comment about Amercans being trash and your country Canada is such the “moral standard” for this world. I think that is what your country and others like America hate to hear that one is better than the other.

  2. SinfulyBeautiful

    @irvykinneas I don’t think you can “defamate” someone. But you can say something that can be “Defamatory” or it can be “DEFAMATION” of someones character. I’m not the smartest person in the world but I think that’s quite right. *shrugs*

  3. ReeseMac

    Its not uncommon for rappers or any musical artist to mention a celebrities name in a song……besides she actually was locked up so its not like he was using an out-of-context analogy. Lindsay has no case.

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