Pics Show Lohan Wearing Necklace in Theft Case

Lindsay Lohan spent roughly 25 minutes wearing a necklace inside a jewelry store that accused her of theft, surveillance video broadcast Tuesday shows. (March 9)

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13 Responses

  1. treid100182 says:


    …we DON’T CARE…do your jobs and focus on substantive information.

  2. bazman05 says:

    The world would be a lot better without this moron. Most people would kill to have even a fraction of what she has (minus the craziness), so this spoilt brat needs to be locked away for good.

  3. imbubba56 says:

    Why is this considered news?

  4. grendelee says:

    ??????? I heard that the video vindicated her. She talked to the owner wearing it, showing that he said he it was ok if she takes it out…..
    ……so no, then?

  5. mrteemumilto says:

    When the elite assholes want to get rid of somebody, they create a rolling ball, that justifies all small and stupid criminal charges against a person. Last time it was hay, now it’s nicking one small object.

  6. Scene68 says:

    She stole too support her crack habit.

  7. chxitout says:


  8. darkiz7 says:

    the store sold it for $35K to AP… sound bullshity-ish

  9. agcelkbrera says:

    no creeo k sea kulpable tiene para pagarlo unas 100 mil veses

  10. tsti1es says:

    did store keep ask for it back?

  11. valhala56 says:

    She’s a blonde, a ditzy blonde. She just confused while trying on all those diamond necklaces. Can happen to any ditzy blonde.

  12. richardboy316 says:

    She’s an idiot

  13. Josephdaz1 says:

    Clepto .. yep clepto

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