Party Like A Lohan Music Video

Party Like A Lohan Music Video of Lindsay Lohan and her latest DUI issues. … lindsay lohan drugs capri paris hilton dui dwi

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25 Responses

  1. klaruu17 says:

    linsday lohan the best!

  2. MarcusJokerMarshall says:

    How is this bitch not n jail?
    Oh yeah,I forgot,Shes got a pussy and money.
    Stupid me 4 thinkin she ain`t no beta than everyone else.

  3. Malimarlin says:

    das erste Bild ist so geil

  4. DarkRideFan says:

    hahahahah paris is the cop!!!!!!

  5. LauRockz says:

    Poor Lindsay.. she was such a nice girl, with no problems.. but now.. she’s like loossinnng her freaking life!! =/
    Poor Dina Aswell..this is not easy for her.. she’s whatching her daughter falling.. you know.. she’s even lesbian Now!!!..
    PLEASE LINDSAY! react!!! be normal Again!

  6. BLOOM11294 says:


  7. XxXBriBuckXxX says:

    i heard this on the radio last summer…

    haha nice

  8. MacBookGuy91 says:

    if she had not been on tv and stuff she might not have been the 25 year old how had partied the most. I herd this on tv well part of it. It was for ali lohan

  9. threedaysgrace9696 says:

  10. threedaysgrace9696 says:


  11. tatu2021 says:

    por girls but she is a big sluty

  12. Dannyfan1997 says:

    psht that wayy funny

  13. CeslestialDragon says:


  14. apsearle says:

    i wanna find the lyrics for this, so funny

  15. jordan456785 says:

    soo funny

  16. matronic88 says:

    ¿cual es el titulo d la cancion?
    tittle of music,please

  17. Haylie87 says:

    they already have a song for spears, hilton, and lohan

  18. babyychika1016 says:


  19. PBJ1856 says:

    Damn this is funne…they need 2 have a party lyk a spears.richie.& hilton!

  20. Jaccko14 says:

    Picture at 21secs is hot! go the ranga hair

  21. RaitoKidX says:

    effing hilarious!

  22. PBJ1856 says:

    Hahahahahahaha! They need a party lyk a hilton!

  23. bunnylover529 says:

    how ’bout u get yourself locked up like paris! lol!!

  24. bunnylover529 says:

    omg! so funny! great video!!!! :p

  25. degrassi1222 says:

    O=…Party,likea lo,party lika Lohann..

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