Numb: Episode Eighteen [Productive Conversations?]

WE’RE COMING CLOSE TO THE END Season’s ending on the 2oth! ps: I made all of the pics with her different hair colaz! btw: Enough drama for ya in the last few, phew. Songs: Stay Beautiful- The Last Goodnight Far Away- Nickelback Nobody Till You- Lindsey Lohan … Nelena Nicklena Numb Nick Joe Kevin Jonas Selena gomez demi lovato miley cyrus alyson stoner emily osment zac efron frankie jonas

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25 Responses

  1. megha0024 says:

    what the….. i almost passed away

  2. crazyninjaparamore says:

    OMFG. When shane kissed alex I choked on my auga and almost fell out of my chair which would pull out my earbuds which would expose my love for FOB’s cover of ‘what’s this?’

  3. maiyaj705 says:

    my MOUTH DROPPED!!! i was sooo coaught off guard….i love it!

  4. shmilerzluver says:

    drinking water while watching this isnt a good idea

  5. Skittl3z101 says:

    omg i statyed up late to just watch this it’s lyk 4 in the morning i’ve rewatched this lyk 500 times! I never get tired of these series!!!!

  6. JonasBrosRule13 says:

    he he REJECTED!!!LOL soooo funny!

  7. VaderPerryOfficial says:


  8. fourwalls15 says:

    make alex and nate have you know what togethet and get alex pregnant. and make them keep the baby this time.

  9. GuyAddict44 says:

    dude, the day after i watched this eppy, i had a really freaky dream! it was like i was alex and everything that happened in this eppy happened, but, after this, (and after the alex and nate scene that’s about to happen), nate ended up dying or killing himself for some reason, then andy, well, idk what happened to her but, idk. anyways, alex and shane end up together in short. weird i jnow, but i just wanted to share that SPECIAL yet WIERD dream I had and also right now, i am like, totaly bored.

  10. shelby51096 says:

    omg when i saw Shane kissed Alex my eyes went humongous then when i heard they did the (***) my mouth dropped

  11. ConverseLoverr14 says:

    I’m not breathing properly 😐 Great!!! Just Great!!!

  12. kandie210 says:

    i love this series i am your biggest fan!


  13. brebrelover1234 says:

    when shane kissed her my eyes went HUGE..then when Alex deepened my eyes widened..even bigger…hopefully Alex and Nate dunt make the same mistkae as Shane and Andy did

  14. neLenaLover818 says:

    i might cry…i swear. 🙂

  15. bellarachel11 says:

    my cousen got pregent at 16

  16. Antonellax3JB says:

    uh oh speachless

  17. primas4evr says:

    oh plz make them nalex not jalex plz i just can’t stand it.

  18. lovexbuggie says:

    whoaaa man… haha

  19. commacarly says:

    holy jamaica

  20. XxxNelenaXxx says:

    I cried i dont like it thats like cheating and i love nelena its just made me cry but overall loved it

  21. xXxNelenaStoriesxXx says:

    Loved it xD

  22. ouranhcfan says:

    OMG didnt see that coming i was all over the screen then that happened my mouth dropped at that point

  23. nott112 says:

    omg i didnt see that coming
    but i like the idea of joe and alex together that would be freaking AWESOME

  24. loooola123 says:

    joe looks really hott.

  25. chimera606 says:

    W-O-A-H like W-O-A-H!!!

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