New Photos of Lindsay Lohan at Paris Fashion Week

Lindsay Lohan gets dropped by her record label, designs for Ungaro for free and now filming a new reality TV show for work?

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25 Responses

  1. xDISNEYxSTARSx says:

    Linsay Was Good At Acting Why Cant She Go Back But Sadly No One Wants To Offer her a Movie….

  2. angelicastinks says:

    i really do hope she gets it together…she def can..thats up to her..its also people around her wanting her to fail so the help her in her downward spirl…also people love to see others crash and burn..sad

  3. PhotoShopPerfectPic says:


  4. bobsmellslikewelly says:

    Ohhhh… Myyyy… God.

  5. whazeem says:

    Leave her alone. With all the commotion, she already know how she looks like. No need for us to emphasize her appearance. She has enough problems already.

  6. onyxxx101 says:

    she has no one to blame but herself

  7. misssxcgirl1995 says:

    she should jst go back to acting!!! god, doesnt she realise…thats the only thing shes good at .

  8. mcnaughty30 says:

    oh my god she looks awful!! hahahhha

    i used to like her.. sad..

  9. tiiaamii says:

    She has an addictive personality anyway! If it’s not drugs or alcohol, it would be something else…

  10. tiiaamii says:

    Has been

  11. silentkaas says:

    we lost this one, long time ago

  12. docsontherocks says:

    youtube 2.0 beta sucks

  13. kcmj62 says:

    Shes the next amy winehouse O_o

  14. GaByChEr says:

    lindsay es una falsa

  15. Rlovemusic4ever says:

    she looks so ugly with the blonde hair

  16. PumpItUpChick09 says:

    she looks bad… 🙁

  17. minizahra says:

    …she sings?

  18. xxxWarriorGoddessxxx says:

    She hasn’t made a good movie since Mean Girls. My younger sister used to idolized her.

  19. JohnieCake17 says:

    I LOVE YOU LINDSAY!<3333333333333333

    Get your ass together baby!

  20. princessofducks says:

    I miss the old Lindsay!

  21. kimwolff says:

    i love lindsay. i hope she gets better soon and can get some work again. <3

  22. roboman34 says:

    May be she needs a Big break…..a CHILL-OUT. I work for the ambulance service …she needs a break…time to her self…….Drugs are Wrong wrong Wrong……When words fail music speaks…..good luck to her x

  23. stud002 says:

    she just looks like shit.

  24. kamay81 says:

    Seriously, Lindsay, you’re such a pity. Go to rehab and get out of Hollywood for at least a year. Britney, Nicole and Paris bounced back already. Do this to yourself, girl.

  25. claudiaTv401 says:

    God. I cannot believe that this woman use to be the sweet innocent talented child of The Parent Trap.

    She is destroying herself! Look at her face, its getting yellow because she smokes so much!

    I truly hope that somehow this young lady can find the right path again, and get better.

    The media needs to leave her alone for a while.

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