NEED TO KNOW | Carl Hiaasen takes aim at celebrity culture | PBS Author and columnist Carl Hiaasen is known for his funny fiction and fierce commentary. Now, with his new book “Star Island,” he examines the making of tabloid fodder. The novel is about a minimally talented pop star named Cherry Pye and the people in the circus around her. The book gave Hiaasen a chance to aim his laser-like wit at the making of tabloid fodder. But the research for the book was an excruciating task, even for this former investigative reporter. Need to Know airs every Friday on PBS. Watch full-length episodes of Need to Know at

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3 Responses

  1. jodahs says:

    just when I needed a find a good book.

  2. JixYt says:

    I watched this segment when the show aired last Friday. Carl Hiaasen is awesome! I love and admire his courage to say whatever he wants, so freely and unabashedly. Three cheers for Carl Hiaasen!

  3. dizzymasekela says:

    Kings of Leon are minimally-talented pop stars.

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