My Dvd Collection Update 4/21/2009

Douglas, Dave Power and James Snyder * Freezer Burn: The invasion of laxdale – Directed by Grant Harvey – Starring Tom Green, Crispin Glover, Sarain Boylan, David Lawrence and Paul Spence * Mean Girls : Directed by Mark Waters – Starring Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams, Tina Fey, Tim Meadows, Amy Poehler, Amanda Syfried and Daniel Franzese * Goosebumps the scarcrow walks at midnight * Big Stan : Directed by Rob Schneider – Starring Rob Schneider, David Carradine, Richard Kind, M. Emmet Walsh, …

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25 Responses

  1. radioactivegamer says:

    totally dude, haters suck!

  2. nineteen81 says:

    i think you should just do a small description of the film instead of it in its entirety, that way you can do more dvd updates with less time….

  3. kyleskillerlem0nade says:

    how many dvd’s do you have

  4. adamchabbi6 says:

    i know one girl in my school, who’s dad produced donkey punch, bu i heard the movie s crap, so i’m not going to watch it!

  5. CindyLennoxfan2006 says:

    I was going to get shuttle, but couldn’t decide. Donkey puch is pretty sweet, it was out here a while ago. I hate to be a bitch, but it’s 3 girls and 4 guys :), but I liked your reviews. I think I will buy shuttle, thanks for the review ^^.

  6. davidmurraymint says:

    who the fuck wants to ‘follow’ you on twitter for christ sake

  7. segitary says:

    NO Porn DVD Collection ?

  8. leesha102 says:

    did you watch house yet ??
    i didnt like it too much 🙁 … it sounded super interesting. but i found it weird !

  9. coffeehouseratt says:

    I like watching your DVD updates. I think it’s cool that’s kind of like a hobby of yours! Dis regard everyone else’s opinions that are negative they are just ignorant! and jealous they didn’t think of the same thing to do 😉 can’t wait for another update!!

  10. jpc199756 says:

    i have 0ver 150 dvds and im 12 and how do u afford it all

  11. georgewig says:

    hey is that in a basement or something?

  12. ninjacaptor says:

    cool video

  13. LoticaStudios says:

    Hooray! A new Lucio Fulci film on the show. Nice lineup you have here, can’t wait for more updates.

  14. whititah says:

    hey did u see the movie hatchet? did u like it ? i thought the movie was kinda lame , but the killing scenes where so gory and funny right?
    also did u see let the right one in ? i think i liked it b/c i cant stop thinking about it .

  15. wafflestuffer2 says:

    I Saw the Wrestler 3 times in the theater…….. such a good movie…..such a damn good movie

  16. toypajns182 says:

    The difference is if he dies we will all be sad and say good things about what a great person he was, if you die we will go to where you were burried and dance over your grave…

  17. toypajns182 says:

    wow, insulting over the internet, that never gets stupid…

  18. toypajns182 says:

    I assure you he owns them all, once you’ve got and seen all the movies he has, you are only left with cheap movies…

  19. thesixshot says:

    you should do something about your bordem and the fact that youve posted so many comments on this one video,,,retard

  20. thesixshot says:

    he probably owns them all,,,when your collection is over 4000 the new stuff you get will be off the radar….retard

  21. cheatsatmonopoly says:

    Thank God I’m not the only one who watches Food Network for fun. It’s an intoxicating channel, even if you just ate.

  22. brandan003 says:


  23. MercerMZ says:

    Yeah? awesome ! I have it on a list of movies I wnat to buy in the future.

  24. shanecarsjens says:

    Great reviews!

  25. shanecarsjens says:

    I watched Splinter a few months ago on IFC On Demand, I think…….anyways, It was a pretty good movie. Unique and pretty gross. Haha.

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