More Tracey Ullman as Dina Lohan

Ya gotta get ’em in early!

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23 Responses

  1. wisesatyr72 says:

    Goddamn she looks so fucking hot MILF

  2. HyenaGod says:

    LoL “you can’t OD your way into rehab”

  3. 98245az says:


  4. iwasanangryyoungman says:

    Her club must make room for Madge!!! She’s now free to par-tay once again!

  5. Squirrelunderabus says:

    I do live in a part of the world that doesn’t speak English… Anyway, I know now what carpooling is.

  6. canadianboy40 says:

    do you not live in a part of the world where there are motor vehicles?

  7. KateyMsmith says:

    At least one good thing came out of Dina Lohan’s fame, the parody of Dina Lohan!

  8. Squirrelunderabus says:

    What’s carpooling?

  9. Upscaled1 says:

    thank you for uploading this clip!!! absoluetly priceless

  10. tsbrook says:

    this is absolutely brilliant… brilliant! Tracey takes it there.

  11. cc72689 says:

    lmao! “who do i look like???…my daughter!”

  12. xaesthirv says:

    Oh my god that was hilarious.

  13. julesreverie says:

    “Stay at Club Moms” priceless! I love Tracey and was so happy to see her take on Dina Lohan(finally someone does it! Dina’s the worst mother in the world).

  14. iceman9109 says:

    she can carpool with lourdes or apple or something

  15. elmando5 says:


  16. dandankiwi says:

    brilliant.. so clever, ullman is justing gettting better with age!!

  17. katcummings says:



  18. lovesit34 says:


  19. gbudhelix says:

    LMFAO….”you can’t OD your way in anymore…”

  20. fflybz says:

    Tracey or Dina? lol!

  21. like2seeit says:

    She is dead on!

  22. luvbookie1 says:

    Very funny!

  23. scretta2 says:

    I love Tracy Ullman and I hate Dina Lohan. Video is a win win for me!

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