Mind Control – MK ULTRA – Lindsay Lohan Calls Paris C**T – Triggering

Lindsay is seen here calling Paris a “cunt” and being triggered from the backseat from a handler in her entourage to forget her statement moments after she s…

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25 Responses

  1. NB says:

    Cunt is my favorite English word?

  2. Sebastián Andrés says:


  3. Frank War says:


  4. Destiny Jackson says:

    you guys are idiots, there is no such thing… She called her a Cunt and
    then said she was kidding and was messing with the paps when she said she
    didn’t say that. Delusional.?

  5. Steph Donner-Gladding says:

    OMG pay attention to the lady with the phone! She does the hand sign but
    does it in a certain way around her face/mouth and ‘mouths’ something as
    well. on top of this other hand looking weird on Linday’s seat!! Freaky
    shit this is like magic, but none I want to ever see for myself!!!?

  6. Brandon Ryan says:

    am I the only one who thought she meant Perez not Paris??

  7. theopenmind05 says:

    I don’t think the illuminati conspiracists are capable of recognizing

  8. graciiielaaa says:

    This is stupid as hell. She said it, didnt think much of it but once she
    realized that the paparazzi were obviously going to make it into some huge
    story and put it on headlines everywhere; she panicked. The people in the
    car probably knew as well so they just advised her to deny it. Gosh, you
    people are out of control.?

  9. XiKrazyK says:

    @29 secs the witch in the back is scrambling with the device to get her
    attention,gets it locks on with the device with extreme worry cuz she
    probably told her warlock father that she has her human play toy under
    Soon as lindsy snaps her head back n forth she is under a spell
    No longer happy looking as she finally said it ?

  10. Exiria says:

    I believe it’s absolutely true about Lindsay. A friend of mine has
    connections and was one year at Lindsay’s annual Christmas party and met
    her there, and they spoke for some time. The coming summer he met her and
    she acted like she didn’t know him, which sure okay perhaps she forgot, but
    then he mentioned from where and when he met her and she told him that she
    wasn’t at a party last christmas or even in town. Then we were none the
    wiser, but thinking about him telling me that now it makes sense.?

  11. Matrix9723 says:

    after she was triggert her eyes are full of fear?

  12. pandypop1 says:

    yeah I seen the hand signals when Lindsay got confused, yup she’s been MK’d?

  13. lehmati says:

    best video ever?

  14. Cameron Chenoweth says:

    She said she was kidding… ?

  15. Alex Garcia says:

    I fucking love her so much ?

  16. Alexis Garcia says:

    She was just being sarcastic lol she’s funny I would fuck with the
    paparazzi too?

  17. SiliconBong says:

    The people sitting in the back aren’t satanists, freemasons or
    ‘evil-does’…they’re just protecting an asset. They have a business, what
    was said damaged the viability of an asset(L.Lohan) so they acted
    accordingly. [the madness in their methods is reprehensible by the way, but
    it’s also understandable, . . .from a business point of view]?

  18. DAMNCHARLIE says:

    Paris is a cunt!!!?


    i love her face when she says “no, i love her shes my friend”?

  20. Belinda Kaysac says:

    Who was the woman handler who did the finger sign to Lindsey? I want to see
    her face!!!

  21. xBradsrucax says:

    She is being programmed. She says Paris is cunt, then the ladies behind her
    says she kidding, one of them does the hand symbol to her back in line. If
    she was just kidding and calling her a cunt cuz they’re friends, wouldn’t
    she want to explain herself? Instead of looking all confused, as if she
    didn’t remember saying it all?

  22. alesyada says:

    they called to Paris Hilton’s spokesperson at 3 a.m.? couldn’t wait? omg

  23. Daniela Lewkowicz says:

    from the comments below, i’m concluding that this is being taken way too
    seriously. to me it sounded like she was just joking. i would probably act
    the same way towards my friends lol. just my opinion

  24. JulesStarr7 says:

    Witches who worship Satan and are “handlers” so Lindsey doesn’t “get out of

  25. ursulaann zaid says:

    Wow she was so pretty bk then I had a girl crush on her that time she has
    changed so much poor thing I didnt notic the handlers hand gestures tho?
    How many seconds into the video does it happen although she looked confused
    when she said she didn’t call her a cunt , she didnt look like she was
    intentionally lying