Miley & Liam Reunite, Lindsay Lohan Parties, and a Britney & Snoop Flashback – Clevver Feed

Watch the full story on Lindsay Lohan: Subscribe to ClevverTV: On today’s episode of Clevver Feed, Dana Ward & Josly…

24 thoughts on “Miley & Liam Reunite, Lindsay Lohan Parties, and a Britney & Snoop Flashback – Clevver Feed

  1. natyuki12

    Yeah, Miley and Liam seem to act differently from over a year ago to now. And man. Lindsey had a good thing going for her, same with Amanda Bynes. I just don’t know how they got sucked in so far. I guess? some people just deal with fame differently.

  2. Polly Cantilleps

    I love miley so much since her hannah montana and I’m starting to hate her because she’s changing and when I heard? about liam and miley I feel like I saw the miley that I once like.

  3. Aniqa Khanum

    Hi Clevver TV/Feed!
    Im from the UK so when Clevver feed is uploaded on Youtube I the UK it is actually 3am but this will never ever stop me from getting my daily dose of Clevver Feed! I would love to do a teenage Clevver TV/Feed im the UK, it’d be AWESOME!
    Love Clevver Feed and Clevver TV and you both Dayna and Joslin! You both are so pretty and I would wake up every morning just to watch you both be news presenters on my TV screen! xx
    – A x ( Signing out Pretty? Little Liars style )

  4. Mariam Alajjan

    I don’t care honestly, let? her do her thing! We shouldn’t be choosing for Taylor. If she likes him she should go for it. It’s not our life, it’s hers

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