Miley Cyrus Dead, Lindsay Lohan Attacked, James Bond Sex Puns, Womanizer & More! TWIYT #23

MD#259: Today on This Week in YouTube, Leah D’Emilio and Lon Harris enlighten you with the most popular videos from the tube. Get the scoop on Miley Cyrus and Lindsay Lohan, learn a few Bond Sex Puns to put to use this weekend, get a sneak peak of the Star Trek Trailer and much, much more! Be sure to RATE, SUBSCRIBE & SHARE our channel: Remember, we’re watching YouTube so you don’t have to. Every week we pick 5 winners of a Mahalo prize pack! SUBSCRIBE TO WIN!…

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25 Responses

  1. angel911heather says:

    I really wish miley was DEAD?!

  2. shelbyflick says:

    I love how everyone takes you guys so seriously. it makes me lol.

  3. rockboy95bahjat says:

    the first lady looks lik venetianprincess

  4. abbie63g says:

    this is stuped idiots

  5. bubblytruble says:

    LMAO u guys r hilarious

  6. tombstonekicksass says:

    If you hate Miley Cyrus, repost this as? many times as you can, if this gets reposted 5000 times she will be assassinated!

  7. renegade3024 says:

    If you hate Miley Cyrus, repost this as many times as you can, if this gets reposted 5000 times she will be assassinated!

  8. MaXximekeuh says:


  9. loolooface says:

    but she sucks like shit

  10. carrieunderwood4evaa says:

    hahahaha…. youve just been rick rolled XD

  11. LordZelgius says:


  12. bossfrg says:

    leah is hot
    oh shit i jsut proved there point…
    hwo cares

  13. nashayarox says:


  14. smackdowngirly says:

    oh my gosh you´re adults!how can you waste your time on trash like this?Why can´t people like you leave the celebrities alone?are u jealous?wtf?

  15. prof2crazy says:


  16. 11393rbd says:

    Fucken Leave miley alone god

  17. mj2345michaeljordan says:

    dont squer?what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

  18. Rasmus95dk says:

    in HQ it’s all so higher quality

  19. NiceManGoodWithKids says:

    dont sqear

  20. graffitiballz says:


  21. eeyore4minime says:

    im not joking y get worked up when you no she aint dead omfg u lot r dumb

  22. lboomj says:

    Omg why lie ,, and plus i am one of the friends of the family ,, and they are very hurt ,,,, it was saying the same the other week saying that britany is dead which she aintt is shee ,,, you all should loose your jobs, and youtube is full of shitt …

  23. kinglo1325 says:

    fffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk fuck

  24. MasterGracey1969 says:

    It’s only her clone that’s alive right now. LOL 🙂

  25. pugsrock234 says:

    miley cyrus is NOT DEAD

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