25 thoughts on “Mike Tyson on Lindsay Lohan

  1. RandomUsername010

    No, she surely is not as bad as he was. Hard times in life shape some of us into better people, they reveal to us who we are and if we take it as a lesson, we can improve ourselves. Mike Tyson learned from his experiences, hopefully, so will Lindsay Lohan. But you my friend, obviously haven’t faced much adversity otherwise you wouldn’t be judging others so smugly from the comfort of your little toy computer. Only a coward can judge someone when they? can’t even fathom what their life was like.

  2. elkbow

    so true Mike, I would have liked to seen? your career stay on track, its too bad it went the way it did, fame and fortune can screw up anyones life, you were the hardest hitter in history and could have been the best fight of all time

  3. maffia440

    He bit Holyfield cuz he was frustrated with the? head butts in both their fights.

    The allegation are completely bullshit. You have to realise that he was multi millionaire at that time.

  4. brendan20124

    you idiot mike was accused of rape like 2pac they could get any bitch they want and you dont know why tyson bit his ear? off obliously you dont know why he did it look into it befor you speak kunt.

  5. ThaiShortsWreckEm

    u guys let Don King into ur lives and see how they turn out, Mike Tyson saying to u its time to get it together is like the end all for a fuck up like Lohan, Lindsay ur not to far away from ur 30’s and u already look like ur 40 maybe its time to sort? ur shit out

  6. Brady Horine

    “bit a mans ear off” no? one’s ear came off, he just bit it. children bite ears. You act like he was eating body parts and swallowing them. Lohan is a fuck up, Tyson had serious rage problems.

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