Megan Fox to Steal Lindsay Lohan’s Role as Elizabeth Taylor

Lindsay Lohan has finally landed a movie role and Megan Fox wants to steal it from right under her. Hey everyone this is Ani Esmailian for Hollyscoop. Lindsay Lohan has been in talks to play the late Elizabeth Taylor in a Lifetime movie, and now Megan trying to snatch up the role. Both Megan Fox and Lindsay are shortlisted for the role, which is bad news for Lindsay, who was hoping this role would finally be her career comeback. Larry Thompson, the film’s producer said, “I’ve been talking to Lindsay Lohan directly, and with her reps, and have been in conversation with other actresses, including Megan Fox.” “It’s a very serious selection. It’s like casting for Hollywood royalty,” he adds. Liz Taylor may be “Hollywood Royalty,” but it’s obvious his casting choices are from last year’s Hollywood royalty. Who do you think should play Liz Taylor—Lindsay or Megan? Tweet us @hollyscoop and let us know. **jewelry provided by Lia Sophia.

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7 Responses

  1. DinaxJonasBrothers says:

    I think Megan Fox would fit more for the role. Otherwise Linday Lohan REALLY need to pull herself together….. and dye her hair another haircolor, then that ugly platin blonde, WHICH DOESN’T look good on her. Prefer red or a dark brown, or something…. just NOT blonde!?

  2. beautifulday01 says:

    Hello people? Megan Fox can? act? NO!

    Of course Lindsay should play the role although she is a crackhead though

  3. thoserubyslippers says:

    if megan does an amazing job it could be like her breakthrough role or something if lindsay? gets it it could be her big comeback I’m not sure who would play the better elizsbeth taylor. They both pull off the dark eyes/light hair well

  4. LD1E60 says:

    They both suck so? whatever…

  5. ShaunMichael94 says:

    Lindsay? FTW

  6. FaSHii0NBAB3Z says:

    I think Megan Fox should get the role of Elizabeth Taylor she kinda? looks like her.

  7. lenaushka says:

    I wish Lindsay would get her life back on track. and change the hair color! blonde makes her look trashy, and could fit right with the Jersey? Shore gang!