Mean Girls – Stupid Girls by Pink

You know these two were meant to be. … Mean Stupid Girls Pink Lindsay Lohan Rachel McAdams

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25 Responses

  1. Kiffraji says:

    Well, I can’t speak as to whether you’re a slut or not, but you certainly aren’t helping the argument against your intelligence with a display of faculty in the English language. XD

    Sorry, I have to take my chuawa on a walk.

  2. HottieBobby22 says:

    You know what Fuck That! And Fuck this song!! ok all you people always try to make us seem like were evil bitchy sluts who are dumb and sluts! when we are so not!! ok…

    u kno what so what ok.. we have a different set of priorities than other people.. n ya we tan n have little chuawas !! huh.. we dont try and convert anyone else to act liek us!!

    and we are not mean or stupid.. we are the nicest ppl ever the only time. all the movies allways try and make it seem like we are the bad guy…

  3. beccababy1197 says:


  4. XcupcakeXprincessX says:

    hahahahah I love this<33

  5. EnglishChick123 says:

    Those bitches!
    soooo funny
    Great job (Y)

  6. lilmamacitaaj says:

    Plz read this cuz it acually works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.Put both of ur hands on ur chest
    2.Think of someone that u like……
    3.Tommorow that person will ask you out or say i love you.
    4.Heres the catch just send to 5 more vidoes

  7. YeahYourTheBomb says:

    ahaha this video is amazing, so going in my favourites

  8. sailorspacey says:

    rofl this was great XD

  9. MeganandMaddie19 says:

    OMG Karen your so stupid
    That part is funny

  10. PinkGirl7Sarah says:

    Hahahha. I love this.

  11. imbecil2009vs says:

    those bitches…

  12. Joannaalwaysand4ever says:

    i wanna lose 3 pounds….

  13. kuklpe says:

    Fakt pecka. Pink ur?ite koukala na tenhle film kdyz tu pisni?ku skládala. dobra prace!!

  14. Supernatrualxx says:

    perfect song for a perfect movie. lol. XD

  15. angelsonmyshoulder1 says:

    oh my god this is too funny! good job 🙂

  16. EnglishChick123 says:

    i love this!!
    “Those bitches!”
    ha ha ha ha ha
    good job (Y)

  17. Andreix17 says:

    good video!!

  18. NoMoreLiesAboutMeToo says:

    OMG, i loved the movie and i love this amv…XXX

  19. Pheebs1201 says:

    LOVE IT the song is so perfect

  20. Bigonkichong111 says:

    thats a goood girl thats how i act like sometimes?

  21. hannahmontana61 says:

    i love that movie!~

  22. elmoawesome12231 says:


  23. Juan2009NewTime says:

    hey love the video but you know youtube is gonna mute this video if not there gonna take it off and give you an offense,,,,,i dont mean to sound like a jerk im just giving you a heads up

  24. MariaBeeLove says:

    Beautiful Video (L)
    I Love The Movie And The Song! **

  25. Cp182star182 says:

    lol “those biches!” thats the best part of the movie! the plastic mom scares me!
    ps asume vid!

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