25 thoughts on “Mean Girls part 3

  1. randomlyfresh23

    if she didnt have on fake teeth, hair, a long dress she would look spectacular. and the deadish make-up thing. i like her being socially akward its inspiring i try to be socially akward and it works out i guess im just weird

  2. randomlyfresh23

    regina’s mother is amy poehler
    and ms.norberry is tina fey
    they both were on SNL and one of there most famous sketch that thy did toether is when they played the bush daughters

  3. NessRocksZ

    fukin hate girls like that!! it aint that bad having 3, but theres more than 50 at my school!! they all piss me off, and there was 2 girls i knew who my best friend dont like and on halloween they dressed as bunnies, stupid fucks! >:(
    id wipe them off the face of the earth, im just like kady.

  4. kieranhaddock

    do you know who’s looking fine tonight, Seth Mosapowski
    okay you did not just say that 😐
    what ?!, he’s a good kisser
    he is your cousin.

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