25 thoughts on “McFly performed Please Please

  1. Aoifevalentine

    OMG i love busted and LOVE Mcfly alot more
    but if tom got in ta busted mcfly prob wont be here or diff and not as gud mayb not even called mcfly annnnnnnd mayb no DOUGIE !

  2. starzygurl123

    Yeah danny did make a mistake, but everyone does!
    Thats what happens one every 50 peformances. The angels that were sent from heaven tune out for 3 seconds and then come back.
    Thats what happened to Danny.

    Lol Idk

  3. Vanny1706

    haha love 2:36 when Danny isn’t really pronouncing anymore and is like “agaga o England” haha he’s just the best.
    Their voices are amazing!!! Bless all four!
    And stop caring for Lindsay Lohan, it’s McFLYs MUSIC which counts ^^

  4. mufflehum

    its after babys coming back, in the motion in the ocean album (u have to fast forward after babys coming back ends, and its there)

  5. xKaleidoscopeRamonex

    why is everyone saying this is their worst performance?? i didnt think anything was up with it!! & is Danny not adding in the England bits cuz this was their 1st performance in the UK since they had been in the US for a while….anywaays i liked this performance :]

  6. ISkip4Emos

    where does it say about lindsay…? im only at 1:14 of the video so i’ll watch the rest. i think it’s funny that when two of them sing into the same microphone they look at eachother and can never keep a straight face.

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