25 thoughts on “Madonna and Lindsay Lohan Look Exactly Alike

  1. Yahuveh Pay Day Ahead

    WORLD Prophecy-My Beloved Children! Flee NOW from Babylon churches! Satan’s fallen angels deceive you! Reptilian shapeshifters? & Human? CLONES! {Presidents,Govs,Pope,Hinn,Ick­­e,Cosby,B.Walters,J.Fonda,Spo­r­ts,TV-Media,UN,CFR,et}Cain’s Seed-ACTORS! Trickery,Illusion,Prosthesis. USA-Evil J.F.Kennedy& Jackie-NOT DEAD! Pretends as Pres.Jim Carter/Wife. Bush/Demons? respons.NY-9/11 2001.GREAT,GREAT HORROR,SORROW,DESTRUCTION,DEAT­­H COMING! Warn/Prepare Families!Seek Me.Psalm 91.go Wellaware1dotcom

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    Away with the world’s opinion of you — it’s always unsettled and divided. Away with the pursuits that have occupied the whole of your life — death is going to deliver the verdict in

  3. chadmight

    these people make? me sick on how they diss Madonna. they wish they looked as nice and had such a strong active body and a billionaire like she is.

  4. XavierXStar

    I agree that Madonna sucks lately
    But she has released great? deep songs like the x-static process or intervention 😛
    Every artist has their share of deep songs and shitty sexual songs!

  5. Yahuveh Pay Day Ahead

    WORLD? Prophecy-My Beloved Children! Flee NOW from Babylon churches! Satan’s fallen angels deceive you! Reptilian shapeshifters? & Human? CLONES! {Presidents,Govs,Pope,Hinn,Ick­­e,Cosby,B.Walters,J.Fonda,Spo­r­ts,TV-Media,UN,CFR,et}Cain’s Seed-ACTORS! Trickery,Illusion,Prosthesis. USA-Evil J.F.Kennedy& Jackie-NOT DEAD! Pretends as Pres.Jim Carter/Wife. Bush/Demons respons.NY-9/11 2001.GREAT,GREAT HORROR,SORROW,DESTRUCTION,DEAT­­H COMING! Warn/Prepare Families!Seek Me.Psalm 91.go Wellaware1dotcom

  6. Yahuveh Pay Day Ahead

    WORLD Prophecy-My Beloved Children! Flee NOW from Babylon churches! Satan’s fallen angels deceive you! Reptilian shapeshifters? & Human? CLONES! {Presidents,Govs,Pope,Hinn,Ick­­e,Cosby,B.Walters,J.Fonda,Spo­r­ts,TV-Media,UN,CFR,et}Cain’s Seed-ACTORS! Trickery,Illusion,Prosthesis. USA-Evil J.F.Kennedy& Jackie-NOT DEAD! Pretends? as Pres.Jim Carter/Wife. Bush/Demons respons.NY-9/11 2001.GREAT,GREAT HORROR,SORROW,DESTRUCTION,DEAT­­H COMING! Warn/Prepare Families!Seek Me.Psalm 91.go Wellaware1dotcom

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