25 thoughts on “Lohan’s Attorney Denies Actress Stole Necklace

  1. tmlkrs

    This shouldn’t be news. Why report this stupid shit when there are murders and rapes everyday.

    This is way I don’t watch TV.

  2. belcollege

    Her attorney must get paid some hellified money, because she has this woman working overtime.
    By the way, I think I am going to go the Zales tomorrow and walk out with a diamond ring and when I get caught, I’m going to say that it was “loaned’ to me and see what happens.

  3. exacerbatedtaboo

    So to summarize. Lindsay Lohan was caught stealing, she then hired an attorney to defend her and the attorney is now defending her? Well I’ve never heard of anything like that before. An attorney defending their client? No fucking way. Someone gets caught stealing and denies it? What is this world coming to when that happens? Geez!. The amount of bullshit they paint as news these days is mind blowing.

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