Lohan in Georgia Rule & I know who killed me

Linkin Park-in the end

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25 Responses

  1. PiiriLAAmpOOO says:

    i love lindsay, and i’m not disapointed…everybody make some mistakes, this is the real LIFE ! she has the right to live her life the way she want, she’s just a person..(sorry, my english is bad).
    i love these movies.

  2. robalex4evar says:

    great video!! good job

  3. tblm0073 says:

    i busted thrice

  4. PhoebePhantastic says:

    Proper good vid 🙂

  5. a11562086 says:

    those were two really good movies

  6. Glitterglamdiva says:


  7. Glitterglamdiva says:

    This was awesome! 🙂 Lindsay, I know you can come back! You are a good actor, but please stop doing drugs! Your fans are so disapointed!

  8. pumkin252525 says:

    i agree she is my best favorite actor

  9. piperronson says:

    shes sooo pretty.i love her hair and her eyes. pretty girl…

  10. aturner18 says:

    can u plz email me ur videos of numb georgia rule and this video*

  11. angelsrcool says:

    could you make more videos of I Know Who Killed Me

  12. angelsrcool says:

    love it

  13. alyamber says:

    No! She’s too talented. I dont care what anybody else says I want to see more of her work!

  14. bextastic101 says:

    that was a great vid!


  15. camplazlo22 says:

    great video!!!!

  16. kenv13 says:

    cool clip, song is going well with those movie parts.

  17. tekkel6 says:

    she never looked better than she does now. I think she should go her own way and leave Hollywood behind her.

  18. kettuke says:

    well, what’s your e-mail?

  19. klran26 says:

    ok i’ll waiting for your help later! Thanks for your intention ! how we can contact without the other know our email adress ?

  20. kettuke says:

    Well, it’s not relased on DVD yet, in Estonia. I’m female.

  21. klran26 says:

    coz the cost is very expensive. in indonesia cost to surfing is expensive ! but if i’m just copy from other more cheap. so help me please ! you male or female ?

  22. kettuke says:

    Why don’t you download it?
    Estonia is in Europe, next to Russia and Latvia.

  23. klran26 says:

    if you have buy it maybe you can copy and send it to my email. where is estonia ?

  24. kettuke says:

    Yes, that’s it! No, she is not nude. I’m sorry about that. In Estonia it was in the cinema, and I’m hoping soon to see it on DVD. I’ve decided to buy it. How can I help you?

  25. klran26 says:

    i think she added her weight in georgia rule cause i have seen her in david letterman interview and she look more skinny than in goergia rule and you know what she look much better, sexier,prettier than before. she look mature in goergia rule. she a women now!

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